Buff Brahama cockerel?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 3, 2011
This one just looks different than the other two, redder comb, later feathering... your thoughts? ETA: He/she is about ten weeks old. Also, pushed chest forward and beats his/her wings.... seems like roo behavior, but these are my first chickens ever!

head shot

bum shot

whole bird

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That would make me very happy. If it is a roo, I will have four for twenty birds.... someone will have to go to freezer camp.

It just looks so different from the other two, they have lots of black tail feathers.
She could be a slow maturer. Brahmas done grow uber fast like some of the other breads. Out of my 14 girls that are laying my 2 brahmas where the last to lay.
I hope you are all right and I am wrong! Thanks so much for taking a look and taking time to comment!
I think you have a pullet as well. I have some light brahmas that are 14 weeks old and I have been able to tell the roo for quiet some time now, his cone has been really red, and developed alot more than the pullets. Very pretty pullet, might have to look into ordering some of those next time.

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