Buff Laced Wyandotte or washed our BLRW??


10 Years
Mar 6, 2009
Metropolitan McLeansville
I answered an add on craigslist last week as I was looking to add 3 birds to our flock. The gentleman orders his babies 1 day old from Meyers - had a variety of babies, various ages - and then sells the babies to folks in town who can't do a whole order. I really wanted older birds and asked if he by chance had any and he had RIR, GLW, and something called a Golden Buff. I got really excited over the GLWs as those are the birds I have who are morphing into old lady pet status. I arrived at his home expecting to see GLWs but when I got there, what he showed me as GLWs look NOTHING like GLWs in color. The body type is correct, the comb is correct, the temperament is dead on. He insisted that the birds were GLW from Meyers - I just agreed, paid for the birds and left. Now I'm trying to figure out what I've got. FWIW I really like the birds as they are healthy and calm and hopefully will lay well (they are about 7 mos. old). We just keep laying birds - no breeding or anything - so my question is simply academic. Based on the Meyer site, these look to be BLRW.

This is a link to a photo of one of the new girls: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...796428069995.188027.1274773705&type=1&theater

Hopefully the link will work.

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