Buff Orp personality?

I've got a blue orpington and a BR, along with an Ameracuna-- all girls, no rooster. All three are very friendly and let me pet them and pick them up. But I do prefer my BR because: 1) my BO is loud, she is always making a racket for no apparent reason; 2) my BO goes broody often, and with no rooster there is no need for that; and 3) my BR is a much more consistent layer. My BR started laying in late October and so far has missed laying on only 6 days. My BO lays about 5 eggs per week.
I have three buff orpington hens and one half buff orpington/half easter egger pullet. I also have several other assorted chickens (2 barred rock hens, 1 easter egger hen, 1 easter egger rooster, two barred rock/easter egger pullets, and one "mystery gender" barred rock/easter egger chick)

I have not found the buffs to be particularly noisy. All hens make some noise sometime, especially when they are frightened. And some hens sing what my six year old daughter calls "The Egg Song" when they are near or at the end of the egg laying process.

But just a few female chickens should not be too noisy. A neighbor with a frequently barking dog or a loud music box can make alot more noise than your chickens will.

Of course, if you were ordering a Rooster -- that would be a whole different story!
check out my "Nothing-but-chickens" page....my Buff Orp girls are ABSOLUTELY quiet!! I am not lying! My Rooster, on the other hand, well.....he crows! shhhhh. did I say that out loud?? I keep hoping one day he will wake up and just forget how!! LOL

But seriously, my Plymouth Rock Bantams make little chicken sounds kinda like pigeons, but my buff girls....they do nothing but look CUTE AS PIE~ Here is my Rooster with his BEST friend, my Hubby.

Thanks everyone for your BO testimonies! So, it seems MOST of the time they are true to the descriptions, with a few "Odd Orps" who like to make a racket for no reason, lol.

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