Buff orp rooster or hen survey.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 21, 2014
28 weeks. Much larger than fellow hatch mate. No crowing. No spurs. Gentle demeanor. Late bloomer or Roo? Thanks so much- first time chicken keeper of ten chickens in Maine.
Okay, just saw the additional pics. The bird in my profile pic turned out to be a BO roo (he was 20-22 weeks in the pic). To me, my bird had more developed comb and wattles. By 28 weeks we had no doubt he was a "he". Of my hens the same age as the BO roo, only one is laying, so it is possible you have a pullet. But I am a total newbie and this is just my 2 cents!
Thank you Jennianne. This bird is the very last to develop a comb and waddle very far behind the others but it's just so much larger. Anyone seeing any saddle feathers ????

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