Buff Orpington Ro


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2015
Hi everyone! I had chickens a few years ago, (Australorps, Wynadottes, and Plymoth Rocks) but am now looking at different breeds. I wanted to get 1 rooster and 5 hens, and was considering the Buff Orpington breed. My neighbors have had the Buff Orpington hens before, but never the roosters. Could anyone tell me how owning a Buff Orpington rooster/hen has been like? Thanks!
Generally speaking they are pretty decent roosters, however, it truly comes down to the individual bird and that, unfortunately, is simply a matter of luck of the draw. *I* would suggest finding someone around your area who is breeding birds with the temperament you want and obtain a cockerel (or mature rooster) from their lines. Production birds (hatchery/retail) are jsut that - bred with production as the primary concern, temperament is not even really a consideration.

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