*Buff Orpington Thread!*

A permit to keep chickens?  I've seen ordinances limiting how many chickens and lots of limits on how many roosters for noise reasons in many cities, but requiring a permit to keep chickens is like requiring permits for growing vegetable plants in your garden.  It is frankly infuriating to hear of such draconian, intrusive, overtly self-serving, abusive government.  

Oh you live in Florida.  I suppose the weather makes it all worth it.  

Just to come back to the subject of Buff Orps - anyone tried to cross them with anything black with good results like Australorps, Langshans or Brahmas?

The thing I would like to see is some sort of buff/black mix that looks like this but it might be a lot of work to get to it.  http://www.meyerhatchery.com/productinfo.a5w?cat=1020&subcat=5033&prodID=BFBS&grd_prodone_filter=PRODUCT_ID%20%3d%20%27BFBS%27&A5WSessionId=772e1559419e4df98e60961b3dcc167e
My girl, Dorothy Zbornchick, is a Buff Orp/Australorp mix. Experts, correct me if I'm wrong, but orps and australorps come from the same line originally I believe.

@ about 16 weeks old

@ about 10 months old
I got my first BO today, a 4 month old pullet named Beverly :) She is the sweetest chicken ever! I went to her pen tonight to give them some extra grains before the cold night, and she jumped right onto my lap! She loves to cuddle!

I got my first BO today, a 4 month old pullet named Beverly :) She is the sweetest chicken ever! I went to her pen tonight to give them some extra grains before the cold night, and she jumped right onto my lap! She loves to cuddle!

Very sweet.........................
I am happy for you.............
For those wanting to know the cold hardiness of this breed, it was 8 degrees with a wind chill below 0. One of my BO hens did a Houdini act and failed to go to the coop. This morning it was 11 degrees and she is just scratching away like it is 70 and sunny. Must have found a place out of the wind.
For those wanting to know the cold hardiness of this breed, it was 8 degrees with a wind chill below 0. One of my BO hens did a Houdini act and failed to go to the coop. This morning it was 11 degrees and she is just scratching away like it is 70 and sunny. Must have found a place out of the wind.
they really don't seem to care. I forgot to latch the door during a cold snap of -23 and the flock let themselves out. I looked out and they were running through the paths the kids had made with their snowshoes.
I'd say I'm probably a dork!! But I'm so excited! Picking up my 3 new 1 year old BO's tomorrow afternoon!! I'm a dork because I'm doing a 4 1/2 hr round trip to pick them up!! Lol
For those wanting to know the cold hardiness of this breed, it was 8 degrees with a wind chill below 0. One of my BO hens did a Houdini act and failed to go to the coop. This morning it was 11 degrees and she is just scratching away like it is 70 and sunny. Must have found a place out of the wind.
Wow... And I worry because my brand new BO gets kicked out of the coop during the day by my bossy RIR...
My first 2 Lily and Lucy (I hoping it's not a Louis lol)



I got lucky when I found these girls on Craigslist (was randomly looking) i knew I wanted to add some BO in with a few silkies (just got them today). These were extra from a hatchery order. I saw the picture of them and couldn't resist. They are some much fun and I think they grow every day.

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