*Buff Orpington Thread!*

My first 2 Lily and Lucy (I hoping it's not a Louis lol)



I got lucky when I found these girls on Craigslist (was randomly looking) i knew I wanted to add some BO in with a few silkies (just got them today). These were extra from a hatchery order. I saw the picture of them and couldn't resist. They are some much fun and I think they grow every day.

I love my Buffs, they are the best broody mama's, and a very hearty chicken. I bought 17 chicks in May 2011, 6 were Buffs. I still have my 6 Buffs. Last May, my Broody Buff Mama sat on two separate sets of eggs of mixed breeds. 8 chicks hatched, 1 passed due to splayed legs, tried splinting her, but she was gone in a week.1 passed the day after she hatched, 1 was smothered by her chick mates, 2 were attacked by a snake.I have 3 of the chicks that survived to adulthood, Daddy was a Black Silkie, 1 Mama is a NH Red, 1 Mama is a Buff (2 chicks).

This is Lollypop - who has the NH Red Mama. She has the black feathered feet, fluffy top, black eyes & blue ears, like her Daddy did.

This is Hannah - Mama is a Buff, she has Mama's eyes, but her Daddy's green hued tail feathers & his fluffy top & comb, and black feathered feet.

We lost our Silkie Rooster on Wed. So I am on the hunt for a new Roo Daddy. Would be curious to see if I got another Silkie Roo, and mated it with my little half breed Silkie Girls, what the chicks would look like.

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