*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Thanks! The breed is so beautiful, I love orps!! I just went to check on them to put everyone to bed, and they were all sitting in the next box!
Silver Laced Wyandotte and a Rhode Island Red.

They did! They are all old hens, they were free because they are getting near the end of their laying period. Earlier today I tried getting a White Leghorn, but she was too skittish, and Blu, the RIR, kept doing the sideways shuffle to her.
Last weekend I got 1 Cock, 1 Hen and 3 pullets S.O.P Buff Orps. The pullets are the daughters of the hen and cock. They were 4H show birds. They never made grand champion but did fairly well. I got them from a friend of friend that had his job transferred and couldn't take the birds with them. The cock and hen are 16 moths and the pullets are 7 months. I could not believe how much bigger they are compared to my hatchery Orps. The three pullets are more than twice the size of my 10 month old pullets. The cock bird is huge and has to be at least 13 to 14lbs. I feel bad for the hen though she just had her new babies killed. I was told they were killed by a raccoon. The chicks were only a week old.

I should be getting my S.O.P BR chicks any time to.

Will post pics as soon as I can.
Wish I could help...but I'm definitely not confident so early..
EEs and Barred Rocks are way easier for me. Lol.
But, good luck!

Oh my gosh that rooster is so handsome!! Look at those feathers!
What is that black spangled hen?
You just have such gorgeous birds...
You're not helping my desire for more fluffy Orps. Lol
Thanks! And I'm not sure what you mean by "spangled" but I think I know which you are talking about. She is and Ancona Bantam :)

Lap chickens, they will come right up and get on my knee for reasurrance and to drive my Americaunas crazy (who hate to be held but think I am giving food when I am petting the sweet girls)

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