*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Hello fellow Buff lovers. I have 5 chickens (2 golden comets, 1 barred plymouth rock, 1 Delaware and 1 Buff) The Buff is the smartest for sure. She learned her name first, maybe the only one that knows her name and comes to me even if I'm 20 yards away. They were all born on the same day and started developing at the same time. However, the Buff is the smallest one still, (they are 18 weeks old), and while the other all have their wattles and crest bright red and rather big, the Buff doesn't even have the tiniest wattle, and her crest is..there is no crest. I see that Buffs are big ladies, so I'm surprised that mine is not developing. Just curious if anybody else has encountered the same. She gets all my attention and eats/drinks well. Not sure what is happening. Didn't seem to be the runt at all.
Hello fellow Buff lovers. I have 5 chickens (2 golden comets, 1 barred plymouth rock, 1 Delaware and 1 Buff) The Buff is the smartest for sure. She learned her name first, maybe the only one that knows her name and comes to me even if I'm 20 yards away. They were all born on the same day and started developing at the same time. However, the Buff is the smallest one still, (they are 18 weeks old), and while the other all have their wattles and crest bright red and rather big, the Buff doesn't even have the tiniest wattle, and her crest is..there is no crest. I see that Buffs are big ladies, so I'm surprised that mine is not developing. Just curious if anybody else has encountered the same. She gets all my attention and eats/drinks well. Not sure what is happening. Didn't seem to be the runt at all.

The same thing happened to one of my Buffs, Daisy. She was a little smaller than the other two with more of the American body type where as our other two girls are more rounded and fluffy. Daisy's comb and wattles were small and pale pink up until about a week and a half ago, she turned 21 weeks today so I think the change started around 19 weeks or so. Her comb size has almost caught up to her two other sisters and is bright red now. She has also grown quite a bit in the past week and half to two weeks and seems to be almost the same size as our other two buffs now. I am still new to chickens as this is my first flock but I have read that Buffs mature more slowly than other breeds so hopefully your little girl will catch up soon.
It could be you have opringtons - but another color variation (buff is the color) - so you would have white orpingtons. Do you have any pictures of your birds?
It just so happens I am going to take a few and post them later on about maybe 09:15 or more or less.
here are my girls just like I said

Enjoying her time in the sun.
Her name is flower

This is my little solitary chicken
her name is Rose
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I have 3 22-week old BO's and the wait for eggs is KILLING me. I dash out there every afternoon convinced that today is the day and no.

Does anyone think they may take even extra longer to mature and start laying since we're going into the cooler fall? I'm in CA so it's pretty mild here. I know no one really has a crystal ball as to when they will begin to lay. But was curious what others thought.

Here's hoping that maybe today is the day. They were extra chatty this morning.



Any guesses whether I've got a roo or hen? She hatched out fourth of July weekend so she's about 10 weeks old.
here are my girls just like I said Enjoying her time in the sun. Her name is flower This is my little solitary chicken her name is Rose
Hmmm...maybe White Rocks? They are beautiful girls!
I have 3 22-week old BO's and the wait for eggs is KILLING me. I dash out there every afternoon convinced that today is the day and no. Does anyone think they may take even extra longer to mature and start laying since we're going into the cooler fall? I'm in CA so it's pretty mild here. I know no one really has a crystal ball as to when they will begin to lay. But was curious what others thought. Here's hoping that maybe today is the day. They were extra chatty this morning.
Mine were 23-26 weeks :)
Any guesses whether I've got a roo or hen? She hatched out fourth of July weekend so she's about 10 weeks old.
Id say pullet, at that age :) comb and waddles are still small and pale for one

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