*Buff Orpington Thread!*

[/IMG]I have a little buff girl who seems to be growing more slowly than my other breeds. I'm just wondering if I should be concerned or if this is a bird that matures more slowly. I have a brown leghorn, california white, 4 amuaricona, 3 cochins, 6 old english bantams, and my late blooming buff orpington.They are all about 1.5 weeks old now.
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She finally passed the eggshell yesterday and seems to be doing a bit better, still a little dazed though. I might try getting some vitamins for their water even though she's the only one who seems to have a problem?

What fantastic news!!!! That gives me heart that some can make it through laying problems.

I have a hen that used to lay a softshell once a week and I couldn't figure what was going on with her since she was eating and drinking the same thing as the other hens and their eggs were normal. Someone in our local BYC club suggested that I stop putting ACV in their water as it can interfere with calcium absorption. So I discontinued using the ACV and bought some Rooster Booster powdered electrolytes, vitamins, and probiotics and started putting that in their water. Now our softshell layer lays one every two weeks so I think it definitely has helped. Our little bantam roo, who has been challenged health wise since I picked him up from the breeder has also benefited in that his feathers look so much better after drinking the Rooster Booster water.
She finally passed the eggshell yesterday and seems to be doing a bit better, still a little dazed though. I might try getting some vitamins for their water even though she's the only one who seems to have a problem?

What fantastic news!!!!  That gives me heart that some can make it through laying problems.  :celebrate

I have a hen that used to lay a softshell once a week and I couldn't figure what was going on with her since she was eating and drinking the same thing as the other hens and their eggs were normal. Someone in our local BYC club suggested that I stop putting ACV in their water as it can interfere with calcium absorption.  So I discontinued using the ACV and bought some Rooster Booster powdered electrolytes, vitamins, and probiotics and started putting that in their water.  Now our softshell layer lays one every two weeks so I think it definitely has helped.  Our little bantam roo, who has been challenged health wise since I picked him up from the breeder has also benefited in that his feathers look so much better after drinking the Rooster Booster water.

Omg!! That might actually be what's wrong! I started putting AVC in their water a few months ago when I was paranoid about worms! I'm gonna stop and do that same thing! Geeze! I had no idea!

And actually I have a calcium problem myself and take frequent swigs from the bottle when adding it and maybe I should stop >_<
Omg!! That might actually be what's wrong! I started putting AVC in their water a few months ago when I was paranoid about worms! I'm gonna stop and do that same thing! Geeze! I had no idea!

And actually I have a calcium problem myself and take frequent swigs from the bottle when adding it and maybe I should stop >_<

It couldn't hurt to try leaving it out of your chicken water for a while to see if it helps. I have no idea if it interferes with calcium absorption in humans but I know that it does a lot of other wonderful things for our bodies.

Oh since I have stopped using the ACV I haven't noticed any differences in their poops, eating or drinking habits. I wash their waterers every day so I don't have to worry about the yuck buildup that ACV helps retard. They seem to like Rooster Booster vitamin mix in their water and so do our cats. :)

Oh another thing someone in our chicken club suggested is to not give them too many treats in warm weather because they naturally eat less in the heat and they need to concentrate on eating their feed and their calcium and not fill up on treats.
They graze a lot, and I told the fiance not to give them so many treats, and he says he doesn't. We mainly give them lettuce and fruit as treats. We have to monitor their food because of rats, so they also do a lot of grazing. Is that ok? Idk..
They graze a lot, and I told the fiance not to give them so many treats, and he says he doesn't. We mainly give them lettuce and fruit as treats. We have to monitor their food because of rats, so they also do a lot of grazing. Is that ok? Idk..

Free ranging/grazing is the best thing for them in my opinion since it is what they would do if they were in the wild. How is your Buff today? I hope she is feeling back to normal.
Quote: She seems like it! I saw her up on the roof of the coop with her friends last night and she's running around and eating like normal. I'll check her comb again when I get home, and see if she's looking dazed at all. I didn't have much time to check this morning cause I was late but the fiance was told to check for possible fever. I don't want to give them antibiotics if I don't have to ;0
She seems like it! I saw her up on the roof of the coop with her friends last night and she's running around and eating like normal. I'll check her comb again when I get home, and see if she's looking dazed at all. I didn't have much time to check this morning cause I was late but the fiance was told to check for possible fever. I don't want to give them antibiotics if I don't have to ;0

Yay!! Great news!

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