Buff Orpingtons feet are red, need advice!


6 Years
Mar 22, 2013
Hi everyone -
I have a Buff Orpington that is already laying, under a year old. It has started to snow today and she is out free ranging in it she doesn't seem to be acting any different or favoring her feet. I noticed that the back side of her legs and the bottom and in between her toes are red. Her feet are very pale on top like normal. There is no blood and they don't appear to be swollen. Could they possibly just be cold?
I would also guess its the cold weather. Keep an eye on her for any blackening. If it starts to turn black it could be a fungus or frostbite. Make sure her area is dry so her feet don't stay wet. the wet feet can contribute to the fungus and frostbite in the winter. Hope this helps.
I have many different breeds of chickens and it is usually normal for some breeds to have deep pink coloring in the legs. It is more noticeable on lighter leg colors like BO's. It is a sign of fertility. I wouldn't worry about it.
Its probably normal. My chickens, especially my Silver-Laced Wyandotte get red legs when its cold out. My Silver-Laced Wyandotte always has kind of red legs, but they get redder if its colder. I wouldn't worrry too much.
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