Building an "Old Style" henhouse.....move in day!....... (pics)

Frchuck- I know i have seen a few and just can not seem to find any right now. Thank you for looking! I just love those old plans !!!!
carriage houses yes and outbuildings it seems to me that a few of the books I have seen have had those plans included I will let you know what I find too.
My husband built me a coop just like yours three years ago. I have two smaller windows in the front and a door on the front and side. The plan was to have storage for feed and equipment so two doors. He sided it with Hardy Board Siding, and the interior is finished in carsiding the ceiling with beadboard. It was almost to nice to put chickens in. I think he and his buddies thought I would lose interest and they could turn it into a ice fishing shack.
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I need to add more materials to that list.

Buster, SPF is a term the lumberyard uses for Spruce, Pine or Fir. It can also be called Construction. It might be a "local" term, I don't know since I don't work too far out of my area.

Shed roof is lots easier to build than this roof.

Good luck with your build!
I mentioned in the first post that I was looking for an old one a farmer may have wanted to get rid of......they would have been a shed type roof, since that is all I see around here, and if it would have woked out that way it would have been okay.

Since I decided to build my own, and I liked the picture in my HAD to be that roof. Nothing at all wrong with a shed....probably a heck of a lot more of those types around the country than any other kind.
Sorry Steve, I didn't write that very well. I didn't mean it to sound like I was asking which was better, I was asking advice on how I would go about building a shed roof on the walls in your design. I love love love your design and DW almost had me build one.

However, being as mechanically challenged as I am, I want to play it safe and put a shed roof on.
gig.gif can duplicate mine, just use the pictures and text to help you along. And if you still need help.....Call me on the phone. It really isn't that hard and the pictures should be good enough to walk anybody through the process.

If you decide on the shed type, I would suggest if you are going 10 in width and the area you are in....make your back wall 5 foot tall and your front (facing south) 8 foot tall. What ever that is in height difference will be fine. I would use 2x8 16 inches on center and use at least 1/2" ply.

But.....check with your local building code, as I have no idea what they reccomend for snow load out there.
Thanks for the advice Steve. I just may need to call you on the phone at some point. The good thing about where I'm going to put mine is that there isn't much snow because of the huge spruce trees it's going under.

It's going to go just behind the trees there in the pic. They are so thick that I get a light dusting. Anyway, I'm still checking into building permits- I've had sick kids and haven't had a chance to get to that yet but it's coming soon....

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