Building my run today.

Probly don't have a place or the funding to take them and keep them till they can be rehomed, it is sad but it goes on all the time
You're right, they don't have either. You should see what happens when people decide they can't feed their horses anymore and just turn them loose. Funny, it seems that all of the equine "strays" are within a few blocks of the shelter.
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Hi all
I think the minimum size for a breeding pair peacocks should be not less than under 80 square meters. Everything else is not fair housing and would have to be banned. Our breeding pairs peacocks whether blue or green sitting in aviaries from 120 to 150 square meter size.
When I not have the area to keep a horse then I only can keep a rabbit. a free range peaperson, I probably should stay out of it, but I've often seen 100 square feet per bird as the standard peapen size.
That being said, it is hard to imagine keeping peas in a pen...once you've seen them soaring, it's hard to imagine enclosing them!

(That isn't meant as a criticism of any peapenpeople, by the way. Clearly, most people don't have the space to free range and, as fbc notes, go to great pains to protect and care for their penned birds.)

*edited to hopefully make it really clear that I was not trying to give a hard time to any peapenpeople. Just sharing my experience.
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Peachecker, I see your fairly new here with only 15 posts but are telling us here that our faciities because of size is cruel? I offer you this bit of humble advise.Consider for an instant all peafowl was in their natural surroundings subjected to hawks,falcons,coyotes,wolves,ect. What would their life expectancy be in your opinion? And when harsh cold winters come with snowstorms dropping several feet of snow and wind chills below zero,will they find food and not get frostbitten toes?
All of us here have peafowls welfare and care at the top of our list.Diet,feed,parasite control and health are key to maintaining these magnificant birds. Along with shelter from the elements and predators.Some such as Zazouse free ranges her peas but does have dogs to help watch over them.Again,you can see that with human interaction peafowl are much better off with our help,than without it. I personally wonder if you believe confining to a small avaiary is so cruel,you must also think any type of confinement is cruel,so you evidently free range all your birds as well? Do you offer them fresh water,daily feed,any kind of parasite control? Do you offer them any sort of shelter from storms?
All of us here has expended alot of time and energy,let alone expense to insure their safety and longetivity.This does not take into account the cost of buying the peafowl,or the eggs to begin raising them.
I do not agree with your comments about such small sized pens are cruel.Nine of my breeding pens are 10' wide with lengths varying from 20-30'. My largest breeding pen is 20x20. I put 11 peafowl in this breeding pen and last year it was plenty big for them.My other smaller pens had between 3 and up to 5 birds in the longer 30' length pens,and again,no ill consequences in birds health or breeding was noticed and I keep excellent records on each pen.Please give me your opinion-advise on the sized pen you would have for say,,50 breeding birds??
My largest breeding pen is 20x20. I put 11 peafowl in this breeding pen and last year it was plenty big for them.
If you really thing that a size of 20’ x 20’ is big enough for 11 peafowl then I only can say pure birds.
Why we see so many pictures of peafowl without crest and sheared feathers? The reason is the pens are too small and the peas are having boredom. They are pressed together and then they start to attack each other. They start to pick out each other the feathers.

It would be the same if two people have to live together in a room of 12’x12’ with nothing inside over a long time. I’m sure after one week you will be happy to be out.

Sorry, but this is industrial livestock farming and has nothing to do with adequate animal welfare.
I do not agree with your comments about such small sized pens are cruel.Nine of my breeding pens are 10' wide with lengths varying from 20-30'. My largest breeding pen is 20x20. I put 11 peafowl in this breeding pen and last year it was plenty big for them.My other smaller pens had between 3 and up to 5 birds in the longer 30' length pens,and again,no ill consequences in birds health or breeding was noticed and I keep excellent records on each pen.Please give me your opinion-advise on the sized pen you would have for say,,50 breeding birds??
Here an actual google view of my facilities.

I have 1000 square meter (9000 square feed) for 18 peas!
If you don’t want to accept that your pens are too small it makes no sense to post any other picture or details. All my aviaries are having grass etc. inside. This is to keep the birds as natural as possible.
I can only agree to your comments PeaChecker!

Please post about the needed space requirements for pairs,trios,ect. We need the information. If all we are exposed to is the "factory farm" method, how can we rise above it? Actually, I am about to build a shelter with run for my 4 yealings and have been trying to figure out what size the shelter needs to be. I want to make it large enough to be able to house adults in the future. HELP, please.
I’m shocked, you all are discussing about sizes which are cruelty to animals. If you are not able to build bigger aviaries then you should give away your peafowl.

The absolute aviary minimum size for one pair is 20 x 30 feed. But whenever possible it should be 900 square feed. The aviary should be as min. 8 feed tall.

Unfortunately there are no rules for peafowl and too many people are keeping the birds in undersized aviaries. In your small aviaries they have no real space for running around and displaying.

They are animals who deserve to be housed properly.

I agree with what you mean, but you really need to work on your tact.
Hi all
I think the minimum size for a breeding pair peacocks should be not less than under 80 square meters. Everything else is not fair housing and would have to be banned. Our breeding pairs peacocks whether blue or green sitting in aviaries from 120 to 150 square meter size.
When I not have the area to keep a horse then I only can keep a rabbit.

Peachecker, I see your fairly new here with only 15 posts but are telling us here that our facilities because of size is cruel? I offer you this bit of humble advise.Consider for an instant all peafowl was in their natural surroundings subjected to hawks,falcons,coyotes,wolves,ect. What would their life expectancy be in your opinion? And when harsh cold winters come with snowstorms dropping several feet of snow and wind chills below zero,will they find food and not get frostbitten toes?
All of us here have peafowls welfare and care at the top of our list.Diet,feed,parasite control and health are key to maintaining these magnificent birds. Along with shelter from the elements and predators.Some such as Zazouse free ranges her peas but does have dogs to help watch over them.Again,you can see that with human interaction peafowl are much better off with our help,than without it. I personally wonder if you believe confining to a small aviary is so cruel,you must also think any type of confinement is cruel,so you evidently free range all your birds as well? Do you offer them fresh water,daily feed,any kind of parasite control? Do you offer them any sort of shelter from storms?
All of us here has expended alot of time and energy,let alone expense to insure their safety and longevity.This does not take into account the cost of buying the peafowl,or the eggs to begin raising them.
I do not agree with your comments about such small sized pens are cruel.Nine of my breeding pens are 10' wide with lengths varying from 20-30'. My largest breeding pen is 20x20. I put 11 peafowl in this breeding pen and last year it was plenty big for them.My other smaller pens had between 3 and up to 5 birds in the longer 30' length pens,and again,no ill consequences in birds health or breeding was noticed and I keep excellent records on each pen.Please give me your opinion-advise on the sized pen you would have for say,,50 breeding birds??
While I absolutely agree that peachecker needs to work on his tact. How long he has been a part of this forum is largely irrelevant, what would be relevant is how long he has had peas/how much he knows about them. I joined this forum while still pretty new with peas, I joined to learn how to care for them properly. Having had chickens on and off for 50 years or more, I am appalled at the "recommendations" for chicken housing. Those who accuse us of "factory farming" our poultry are correct. I want to know how to properly house my peas and so am begging the rest of you not to shout down and alienate those who are trying to do this.
Here an actual google view of my facilities.

I have 1000 square meter (9000 square feed) for 18 peas!
If you don’t want to accept that your pens are too small it makes no sense to post any other picture or details. All my aviaries are having grass etc. inside. This is to keep the birds as natural as possible.
I can only agree to your comments PeaChecker!

Can you tell me what height and size your inside accommodations are?
If you have the resources to completely pen off acre after acre that is GREAT!!. But as many of us here know,peafowl can get along just fine in much less area. Seems strange to entirely fence off so much area for only a few peas.There is such a thing as "excessive" and "overkill" and to ridicule others who does not build with 9000 sq meters per pair is not justified here.And how does any human being justify what "cruelty" is when they cannot communicate with the animal or bird of the subject? Relating to dogs for an example,many people consider it "cruel" to put a dog in a crate to confine it but the fact is if the dog was in nature and not around humans,it naturally will live in a den and rear it's pups. Our dogs will voluntarily go into a crate to sleep and rest without us telling them to go inside the crate. Many peoples interpretations of the meaning of a word and their idea of relating that word into the equation is not justified. Trefoil,,all my poultry do freerange because they are easily replaceable and not high value compared to peacocks and I'm not breeding them specifically.for colors or patterns.

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