Building my run today.

Reinhold, hypothetical question for you... Let's pretend that your neighbor had 100 (50 breeding pairs) of the rarest, purebred green peafowl that you wished you could have and all of a sudden they had to give them away, what would you do?

  • Not take them because you don't have the space.
  • Take them.

Okay, so let's say you take them, what do you do next?

  • Make current pens work.
  • Make 50 more pens of 80 or more squared meters?

Just curious.
  If you have the resources to completely pen off acre after acre that is GREAT!!. But as many of us here know,peafowl can get along just fine in much less area. Seems strange to entirely fence off so much area for only a few peas.There is such a thing as "excessive" and "overkill" and to ridicule others who does not build with 9000 sq meters per pair is not justified here.And how does any human being justify what "cruelty" is when they cannot communicate with the animal or bird of the subject? Relating to dogs for an example,many people consider it "cruel" to put a dog in a crate to confine it but the fact is if the dog was in nature and not around humans,it naturally will live in a den and rear it's pups. Our dogs will voluntarily go into a crate to sleep and rest without us telling them to go inside the crate. Many peoples interpretations of the meaning of a word and their idea of relating that word into the equation is not justified. Trefoil,,all my poultry do freerange because they are easily replaceable and not high value compared to peacocks and I'm not breeding them specifically.for colors or patterns.

I have to say that I am on TEAM frenchblackcopper on this one and pretty much everything that he posts about peas. I agree 100% with everything that he has posted. Every person will have their own way of how they house and care for their peas and I follow just about everyone on this pea thread and I don't know of anyone that is cruel to their peas on BYC.

Just this weak, I have had 3 people come to MY house and ask me to purchase my peas because their peas that were free ranged were killed by predators and those that lived in these LARGER than mine pens were killed because the predators (coyotes) dug into these LARGER than mine pens and killed their peas.

The OP's question for this thread is
We are building my run today which will be a 20x20 and will divide it in the middle and have a 10x20 run for 2 pair of pees.What i would like to know what size building i need to build to house 4.Thanks

For those of us who have answers to hairco's question and can help hairco out without degrading or putting others down or accusing others of being cruel to their animals, please do so. If not, please do not put others down. I would hate to see this thread shut down and people being reported for bashing other people. ;)

I was just looking for Pea Pen Tutorials on BYC and for the life of me, I can't find any. If there are any experts out there that would like to begin that kinda thread, please put your best foot forward and educate the rest of us by starting a thread and posting pics of your pens with specific details.

Have a great day everyone! :frow
If money and space were no object, I would build a *huge* aviary with a sprinkler system and I would plant whatever they couldn't destroy. Although they probably wouldn't use it, I'd also make them a three or four sided shelter with a heat source.
But that's not realistic, is it? My advice to the OP would be to make it as big as possible and to allow for room to expand.

This pen is too small. I think there are 12 or 13 in here.
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Reinhold, hypothetical question for you... Let's pretend that your neighbor had 100 (50 breeding pairs) of the rarest, purebred green peafowl that you wished you could have and all of a sudden they had to give them away, what would you do?

  • Not take them because you don't have the space.
  • Take them.

Okay, so let's say you take them, what do you do next?

  • Make current pens work.
  • Make 50 more pens of 80 or more squared meters?

Just curious.
Let's not pretend. There are no team this or team that's here, there is only team peafowl. You people are going to destroy this forum because you feel attacked by peacharges's tactless post. Give him and the rest of us a break. I have enjoyed the beautiful pictures of your peas and have asked for and gotten help from many of you. I don't want to see that spoiled because you feel attacked. When someone asked what a pea needs
,they need to know what leo,peachecker, and other experts have to say as well as the rest of us. Stop and think about what you are doing. What good is a forum where everybody agrees with each other? How can we learn from one another if we all do things the same way?
Let's not pretend. There are no team this or team that's here, there is only team peafowl. You people are going to destroy this forum because you feel attacked by peacharges's tactless post. Give him and the rest of us a break. I have enjoyed the beautiful pictures of your peas and have asked for and gotten help from many of you. I don't want to see that spoiled because you feel attacked. When someone asked what a pea needs
,they need to know what leo,peachecker, and other experts have to say as well as the rest of us. Stop and think about what you are doing. What good is a forum where everybody agrees with each other? How can we learn from one another if we all do things the same way?
I'd still like to have my hypothetical question answered.
I think that we all can agree that when a question is asked, we should help a person out without saying that people are cruel to their animals. All personal opinions and comments should be EXCLUDED from giving advice. THAT is what destroys forums.

There are a LOT of things that I don't agree with as far as people owning certain animals on this forum, to include what they feed their animals but I dare NOT call an owner cruel. It's not my place to tell someone they are cruel to their animals.

Do any of the pea experts here on this thread have any publications online that we can refer to? If so, please post links to these publications or books that have been written and released online. Would love to read an expert's publications. :pop ;)
Let's not pretend.
Why not? There is a reason that I asked those questions.

There are no team this or team that's here, there is only team peafowl.
I agree. BTW, did I mention team?

You people are going to destroy this forum because you feel attacked by peacharges's tactless post.
I don't feel attacked by leo7 or peachecker, I just have a problem when words like abuse or banned are used.

Give him and the rest of us a break.
You want me to give him a break? I just want to know how he would deal with the possibility of adding more peafowl.

I have enjoyed the beautiful pictures of your peas and have asked for and gotten help from many of you.
As have I.

I don't want to see that spoiled because you feel attacked.
Again, I don't feel attacked by leo7 or peachecker, but maybe you're not talking about me?

When someone asked what a pea needs, they need to know what leo,peachecker, and other experts have to say as well as the rest of us.
I agree, that's what this forum is for.

Stop and think about what you are doing.
I did and there is a reason that I wrote what I did, I just hope that I get an answer to it.

What good is a forum where everybody agrees with each other?
Again, agreed, but we all should refrain from all forms of attacks.

How can we learn from one another if we all do things the same way?
We all have what works for us and some of us will always be looking for ways to improve.
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Thank you for the links. I have visited both of these sites often in the past and enjoy looking at all of their pens. So nice! :)

Both of these links are great to have to help everyone when building their pea pens. Info, details and pics from the experts of these links is what we need more of. More "experts" should have websites like these. ;)

Thanks again for posting the links here. :thumbsup

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