Building my run today.

Not sure if this link has been posted but I found this one.

Thanks for the link!

You are welcome.

And they have a section about using smaller sheds.

Using Smaller Sheds this picture of a Cameo Blackshoulder Pied White Eye shows a 16 foot shed that was split into two 8 ft areas. The pen is about 25 ft. I noticed the sheds built first were really too larger for 3 - 4 birds... so I built a few 16 to 24 ft...and divided the living area into two units. Older birds don't run around and fly like the younger birds. As long as the breeders are not crowded (this indicates 15 birds in a 12 x 25 is really not a good idea) they should be ok.. We truck in sand and keep grass planted year long to in sure a healthy enviroment.

This pic is from THEIR website.
One thing seems to be missing in most of theses pea pens, it's bushes or trees. Mine love to sit in the shade of bushes and trees. We have a bush in our front yard that none of them eat, I'll see if I can figure out what it is.
I agree! My peas usually eat everything and eventually kill it. I would love to know the name of the bush since I need something that they won't eat. I did buy running bamboo and planted it in my cages, so I hope it will grow faster than the peafowl can eat it. Plus it looks cool and makes the cage more natural.
I love the hens hiding in the shade there! The bushes have me stumped... the leaves look a lot like a fruit tree, but the blossums almost look like elderberry. Do they get any type of fruit?
I love the hens hiding in the shade there! The bushes have me stumped... the leaves look a lot like a fruit tree, but the blossums almost look like elderberry. Do they get any type of fruit?
The peas are in pea prison right now, otherwise they'd be there, too. It's green year round, frost doesn't hurt it and it does not produce fruit.

It seems like it would be perfect for a pea pen.
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