Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

Oh yes it did! Luckily they were still behind a chain link fence, but the hawks have wiped out all the bunnies and all but one squirrel in the area--so after they eagerly followed me back into the kennel for feed, a quick headcount meant my heart could restart again.
Oh yes it did! Luckily they were still behind a chain link fence, but the hawks have wiped out all the bunnies and all but one squirrel in the area--so after they eagerly followed me back into the kennel for feed, a quick headcount meant my heart could restart again.

Bad girls! But, the grass is always greener, and so on...
Good thing my chickens were all inside the barn today due to high winds. Looked out and saw two very large dogs with collars on romping around the pasture then they were at the livestock fencing, going back and forth, not sure if they were trying to find a way in or what. Called DH who got the shotgun and fired in their direction just over their heads. They pretty much vanished into thin air, couldn't see which way they went due to the lay of the land, but I've never seen them before. Maybe they will be encouraged to do somewhere else. We need to get that pasture fenced when the barn is all done.

Could be some new folks moved in around here and may have to be informed about letting their dogs roam.

10 years ago 2 large dogs passing though my yard late one afternoon wiped out 30 of my hens in 2 different pens. There were only 4 survivors, of which Barnie Green is the only one left alive today. She has always been the first one to go to roost and that's where she was through the whole thing. I picked them up and loaded them into my wheelbarrow - 2 full loads . It was like the holocaust - I'm still horrified to think of it. I love my own dogs, but the sight of dogs running loose makes me furious.
10 years ago 2 large dogs passing though my yard late one afternoon wiped out 30 of my hens in 2 different pens. There were only 4 survivors, of which Barnie Green is the only one left alive today. She has always been the first one to go to roost and that's where she was through the whole thing. I picked them up and loaded them into my wheelbarrow - 2 full loads . It was like the holocaust - I'm still horrified to think of it. I love my own dogs, but the sight of dogs running loose makes me furious.

How horrible! That's what I want to avoid. Thank goodness your old gal was a early to bed kinda gal.
You said exactly the way I feel: I love my own dogs, but the sight of dogs running loose makes me furious.
10 years ago 2 large dogs passing though my yard late one afternoon wiped out 30 of my hens in 2 different pens. There were only 4 survivors, of which Barnie Green is the only one left alive today. She has always been the first one to go to roost and that's where she was through the whole thing. I picked them up and loaded them into my wheelbarrow - 2 full loads . It was like the holocaust - I'm still horrified to think of it. I love my own dogs, but the sight of dogs running loose makes me furious.

OMG! I cannot even wrap my mind around the horror of that situation. Bless your heart.
Barn floor going in using the 2x4's and 3/4" OSB rescued from the demolished building. Should be much easier for the older hens like Snow and Amanda to get out of the pens when I let them run loose, no sudden drop off anymore. Pics later.
We have the front area and the hallway done, really, all except the back storage area all the way across is complete. Already, it's much easier for my arthritic hens to go in and out of their pens. After the storage area floor is done (have to figure out the space in front of the roll-up door entryway), then we do whatever loft areas we want to complete.

A light at the end of the tunnel - life is good

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