building paradise for the birds

...Birds are truly a unique animal to raise. It's not until you start raising them do you truly appreciate the value and beauty of this amazing creature. They respond by name, chant in a familiar tone to let you know how they are feeling, run to greet you at the door and climb on your lap or shoulder to hang out.

I started raising chickens last summer, 2014. I thought I was doing everything right. The in one hour my flock of 15 rhode island red hens was destroyed in the very run I had built for them. It broke my heart. In November, I gained the strength to try again. I bought an incubator and found the BYC website and started looking at protecting my flock and educating myself all about the birds I was going to raise. I chose to raise those that are extremely rare: Svart Hona, Cemani, Isbar, Bielfelders, Barbezieux, Peafowl etc...

About seven months ago I wandered onto a thread created by "birdman". He was growing his flock out at the same time as I was. Just he was much more proficient at it than I am. He created safe runs for them and started raising some amazing breeds. I feel the same way about bird preservation and raising rare birds. My flock continues to grow and I have looked to him for guidance on certain breeds and inspiriation when I really didn't feel like putting up another coop. I still thoroughly plan on putting up a hoop coop following his lead. I would log on and see what the birdman was up to for his projects. Really kept me focused on mine.

I am not sure what is going on right now and what kind of trouble faces "birdman". I do know however that "the birdman" has some amazing skill when it comes to his birds and being an inspiration to other bird loving small town farmers! This is his niche. This forum draws people from all walks of life, backgrounds, countries of origin, socio-economic and educational level with the same love in common...birds! I am a small town farmer now, after retiring from law enforcement, as you know the small town farmer is the fastest growing occupation on the professional extinction list. The food that is now in the store is chemical food not something that someone grew on their's grown in the factory. Everyone who visits my farm stares in awe of my birds....never seen anything like them. Well, that's what staring at "birdman's pictures were like. Amazing birds. Never seen anything like it! I am also a Professor and value the process of education and learning to care after my health and my rare birds and my Christmas Tree Farm. I have small farm; owning 27 acres in Cazenovia, NY. and am NPIP certified. Thanks Birdman for the value and inspiration you have been in my new adventure in birds! Best of luck in your endeavors!

@birdman55 , I think many of us still don't know exactly whatever is going on. Obviously something legal. Are you allowed to say if it's zoning, neglect, or what are they fighting you for?
i just wanted to say thanks for the story it means alot. i also want to say that it has nothing to do with the birds or farming. I would love to share the story of what has happened to me since i have moved to michigan, however, its more or less moving to a small town and that they run their community the way they want. Anyone that is an outsider that moves here for permanent residency gets into trouble as well. I was friends with an older lady who served in the military and she also suffers from ptsd, shes retired, and within about two years she also got into trouble. keep in mind she is a stay at home type of person and doesnt really go out to much unless she has to. well she lost all of her savings to a lawyer and the charges were dropped. keep in mind this process also took over a year and over 50k. the last time i spoke to her, she didnt want anyone over, and she didnt know how she was going to keep the house. she was a complete mess, and i havnt spoke to or seen her since then. some areas of the u.s. are corrupt more so then others. this area is very special. if you are in the circle of all the political people (judges, lawyers, po's, prosecuting attorney, police, and the wealthy) you are left alone and boy it truly does get interesting what one may find when talking about the community. i would love to share the stories, but this is not the right place. many of you readers that follow the forum, do infact know what is going on, and the ones that dont well i wish you could. im in the process of making abook as it keeps my mind clear. anyways. its raining here like no other. we picked a bunch of apples so were going to be making stuff today with that. im doing ok however it is stressful thats for sure. well please keep on writing more stories and until then i shall do what im good at nowadays. a hole lotta nothing.
Inspiration definitely breeds inspiration. And I think @Purpletie3 couldn't have said things any better about the interconnectedness of birds and their humans. And it really seems that most bird owners enjoy living and enjoy living well. I too have been working to rescape the property I'm on and Kris' non stop builds have always kept me pushing forward with mine, following his story was the catalyst for sharing my own. And that story in turn has inspired another byc member to start a thread of their own. There's a lot of here and there with all the inbetweens but meandering across such a dedicated chicken owners thread has been a highlight of my time here on byc that only started with me joining with some questions about my ducks.
So much can happen in such a short amount of time and as I type this I wonder what the next few months hold for our dear compatriot.
Hope more will share their stories
Best wishes to you bro
Always onward and upward
so court was yesterday and that was interesting to see all the similar events with people and how each person got sentenced....Ever since this whole thing started again I actually started to get night sweats which is no easy treat, the bad dreams and waking up every hour and a half just soaked. Its triggered alot of my ptsd and it has been so difficult to even sleep. Anyways thought i would share some good things as this is what im trying to focus on. we made apple butter, apple pie filing, and some jalapeno jelly dip (which smells like vinegar but after trying was pretty good with some cream cheese.)

oh yeah and cant forget the homemade salsa

i had to pick them because the chickens were flying into the tree and eating them. so beautiful to see but it almost looks like they are blackbirds in the tree...hahaaha.
So recently I had a good breeder message me about some tragopans a pair. and i had to refuse the offer. it really bums me out i just cant live the way i would like. i have tried my hardest to help people and to just get slammed time and time again is really stressful on a person and really depressing. well i thought i would get myself in a better mood for the day its about 7am so i made a egg sandwich that was topped with cheddar cheese and pico de gallo. yummy that is my new thing. cooking with avocados. everytime i look back i keep telling myself i made the right decision by following my dream, but when i look at all the obstacles i have been thru most couldnt do it, and i keep telling myself just keep moving forward and following that dream, some day you will be able to influence your dream into what your trying to do when the different agencies are not so selfish. anyways I got alot of work done on my testimony, but still have so much to do on it and the copies that i made yesterday hopefully get noticed. we shall see. as this is something that is so new to this area.

it really meant alot to me to be able to help out my community and supply them with eggs and anything else that they needed however i feel like i failed my community. im glad im writing this because you get to see raw emotions and see what a person can go thru however i just wish i could resume my normal life of a person with a dream.

neither one of these males are the breeder

this one guy is a breeder and he came out of georgia...such a pretty bird. you just cannot describe until you see them in person. pics just dont justify what beauty they have. ahhh until then I shall keep busy on the next step forward in this process and hope that someone sees what needs to change. have a wonderful day my chicken followers. PLEASE DONT FORGET TO WRITE YOUR STORIES. I really hope you do.
My story......

I started raising chickens 3 years ago, so I am fairly new to chickens. I got 6 layer hens, Rhode Island Reds and Austrolorps. I expressed interest in a rooster when I got the hens. The breeder called back 2 weeks later and had acquired 2 roosters that she did not want. I had to take both. I started hatching out my own eggs, and purchased other desired breeds at the feed store. A few months after getting my roosters, I rec'd a phone call from a local farmer that had fallen on hard times. She could no longer afford to care for her chickens. We rescued over 30 chickens that night. I now have over 100 chickens.

No one in my family, or my neighborhood had chickens. I had no "go to" person. Throughout the past couple years, there have been questions on the proper feeding, medicating, housing, and basic care for chickens. I have relied on @birdman55 for advice. His beautiful birds and the set up he had for his birds are very inspiring. He posts step by step pictures so we can see the whole process of building a building, or a chick maturing. It is very educational and inspiring.

I do not have the breeds he has, but I've learned a great deal as to the standard that has to be upheld with these breeds. This will help in the near future as my 9 year old is (hopefully) showing chickens next spring in 4H. He has helped me a great deal through the years. I have supplied many families with eggs and what I don't sell, I donate to a local food pantry. I have also supplied a few families with birds of their own, so they too can enjoy the benefits of raising their own food.

Darlene aka OutpostJWB

edited to add more....(I was in a rush.)
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Had to look up tragopan thats an interesting looking pheasant. And I'm sure given your current situation the option for those will still be around in the future.
Your staying busy and that's good. Idle hands will get anyone into trouble. Havent yielded much from our garden this year. Between the drought and letting the chickens glean it for extra greens not much has survived. Never thought to pre jar pie stuffings, how long should it last in there?
Anyways keep up the busy keep out the negative.
well seems to be a daily log now as to what im doing....i did go around and collect all the roosters of the hmong chicken and cut off the bands because i know how they look in comparison to all i we got that done and tomorrow we are doing the pheasants and re tagging them....i cant wait...even thou i just seem to not be able to let go the truth is setting in day in and day if i could only get mom to move to her retirement home and let the legacy live on and expand....that would truly be a dream....i am going to be separating the hmong chickens with the svart honas as they are laying eggs right now....if my guy texroo will come and pick up the eggs i would love him to incubate them to see what kind of fibro birds come out from they are going to be free for the taking ....when everyone else are charging anywhere from 20-35 bucks an not greedy just would like others to enjoy what i have been able to enjoy....yeah it has cost a pretty penny to do what i do....but its just paper in my eyes...when your goal is set then you can do whatever you want as long as you focus and stay positive with goals and daily progress within reason....anyways i made some serious pico de gallo....and wow...that is something else....if anyone would like a break down on how i made it...feel free and let me know and i shall put it up on its so can eat it on anything, eggs, hamburgers, brats, straight....ahhhh....its so of my favorites now....and so good....if you like avocados....see i never liked avocados nor did i know what it tasted like and then i had a cuban make it for me and boom i was hooked....and its so good for you thats for sure....anyways about some i shall be getting some stock of the silver golden soon....not like i need any the rest of the hens here should be re located....and well see how things roll from here.....i guess im just here for the ride...and whatever happens happens i guess....not sure what else to do but this is def. getting testimony is almost done...just gotta print it off and read it and then make adjustments....pfffffff.....its so hard to be in these shoes...i dont wanna be going thru this let alone now challenging the man....oh boy...well if a guy from texas can challenge mcdonalds for finding a rat in his wifes salad and then they settle out of court for like 500k then i should be able to do something lawyer dont know this but whatever he may win is going to be given to him because this is way more then personal at this point...and i cant wait for revenge on this area and its political people....soon enough hopefully they will have someone higher up then them to answer to....but well see as small communities do what they want and get away with anything they do choose to....kinda like how nothing can compete with the mcdonalds here (or should i say will get approved to be built) in this area...because everyone that is on the board of commerce has a hand in....and if it affects the hands in the board then they wont let things happen....anyways...enough with the political is the pico de gallo pic....yummy
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