building paradise for the birds

I picture fastening the egg trays each to a central pivot with a linkage at one end of each tray tying them all together. Then a cam of some sort linked to a stepper motor. one half turn brings the linkage up one half turn brings the linkage down. The stepper motor is powerful enough to handle the stress and infinately adjustable. You can adjust the speed to rotate the egg trays as many times as you need per 24 hour period.

whats the difference between forced air and still air in an incubator
Forced air uses a fan to circulate the warm air so that it envelops the entirity of the eggs.Therefore keeping the temperature more stable throughout the entire unit. Still air incubators have to run at a slightly higher temp to make up for the lack of circulation. Although the vents in the still air units have somewhat of a circulatory affect by replacing the stale air with new clean air. The fans are more of a precautionary measure to insure that you're temperature stays more even around the eggs and in the unit.
I feel says online that forced air is with a fan and still air is no
well its stable sure the humidity will go up....but that's where it is looking good

heres my mealworm colony still waiting for that beetle to show its face

plenty of ones are pheasants and yellow is chickens....for a total of 150 chickens and almost 400 im excited...yepper
I picture fastening the egg trays each to a central pivot with a linkage at one end of each tray tying them all together. Then a cam of some sort linked to a stepper motor. one half turn brings the linkage up one half turn brings the linkage down. The stepper motor is powerful enough to handle the stress and infinately adjustable. You can adjust the speed to rotate the egg trays as many times as you need per 24 hour period.


have you made this kind of device if so can you go more into details or even provide pics.....there are several ways to do this but im not sure which one to each is set up differently....and I need some play money to right now I will be hand turning so to speak....I put almost 3k in the coops so far....and with another truck coming that tag is only going up...wowzer....well on a good note ill be in an orginaztion first week of January and would like to get npip that's my plan of action
Ok here is the cam action for push pull translation from rotary to linear um er not the Cam but the Crank illustration. Its similar to Pistons use in a car.... ONly there isnt a crank shaft.... Not enough stress to need one.

yepper the one on the right is the one I will more then likely use..i just wanna get them built going to build two of the large ones...once they are built and temp and humidity are stable I will work on the turner and experimenting with which ones I like....there are micro chips you can install with these units...and basically it works like this...the motor works till it hits the first chip and then goes back on when you program it to and then goes to the second chip and then again when you program it again it goes back to the other on and so kinda the same concept with just a little more detail....I had a guy on here send me info on how he made yeah...when I get the fridges each one will be custom to fit inside dimensions so I guess im just going to wing it until then if I cant figure it out of don't have enough time then I will just put my own push pull lever to rotate the eggs without having to open the excited the new unit I found has both temp and humidity built right in ...well I think it does...well see when I plug everything in to comes with a temp sensor and humidity sensor with data retention so im assuming it has the ability to control both...but well hoping for the best...that will be santas gift to it just wont stop raining....and now its snowing at the same time......grrrrrr

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