building paradise for the birds

got eight cameras...but 50 guineas with hundred eyes would be so much nicer...personal watch dogs I guess....that would be cool...we plan on free ranging some of our future peafowl stock
Two of my peacock have been stolen or trapped by someone, now I caged them never let thrm free range any more
No they just aren't killers one of my cats brought in a really big wild rat (big for a wild one anyway about 10 inches with tail)and had it killed and then ate the whole thing
But they catch 3 small mice a day normally, here is the biggest they caught that i saw
But they catch 3 small mice a day normally, here is the biggest they caught that i saw
oh well their doing good then you just need more cats no I'm just kidding but I would start poisoning or getting into your roof and put traps don't let them win!
oh well their doing good then you just need more cats no I'm just kidding but I would start poisoning or getting into your roof and put traps don't let them win!
I'll kill them all, they are too bad, if they only eat some corns, it won't bother me, but they kill dove, chicken, duck and goose, very bad
The best for rats are Terriers.... Rat Terriers Jack Russels.... The only problem with Terriers is they will go to ground after a rodent.... we are talking moving yards of dirt and full on excavation.

I used warfarin for rats in a house.... One bite is all it takes. they were the size of a bedroom slipper... an adult bedroom slipper... Roof rats.... we get em in the palm trees too.

I had an Aussie Cross dog that went nuts after I moved the dog couch from the planter in the front of the house... (yep I am one of those neighbors...
) She saw one rat dive into a hole under the couch and she removed ALL of the dirt from the planter tracking down four nests killing two adults four tweenagers and uncovering four sets of Pinkies. She would shake the rat till it was dead and I would tell her to drop it and she would go after another. I didnt want her to eat any.

After that I bought the Warfarin... Set it up in Bait stations out of reach of the dog. Once poisoned the rats dont offer any sport for the dogs...

But the dead ones I found were a bit larger than the picture above.

morning to all bday was good....watched a movie and then went to bed...anyways going to let the birds out and feed and water then start the should go up quick and then ill have to cut the bigger pens building the basic shell then going back over and building doorways then adding netting and wall wire

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