building paradise for the birds

Sweet hope u get more!!
just moved over two more this was sticky...not sure what that would be from....also should be close to 40 now...and two didnt make it out of the shell...they couldnt break it and pop out...but there is still eggs left and when i moved the chicks i tapped on the eggs and could hear chirping sounds out of a couple.....oh no...another quazi....well see...have a wonderful day...just got word that no cemani/honas for atleast two more they dont want another incident like this to i shall keep you posted on whats happening...quail are going into lockdown on saturaday...brooder is already made...and should be going to wood store here in a bit to get more wood..and then back to some work done on the hoop section of hardware cloth up...just not sure how to secure it...around the metal parts...any iders....the hog rings they sell by me are to big for that...hummmm
Woo hoo 40 chicks is crazy. But sounds like everything is all working out well. And lockdown on the quail. So many baby chicks running around lol. Pretty sure @ronott1 in the northern California thread posted a great link on shrink wrapped chicks but i cant seem to find it in the thread. Will you be planning on letting nature take its course with the new Quasimodo and give it a fighting chance like the last one? I'm sure your brooder is starting to look like any of our feedstore brooders at this point. So full of baby chicks. Always so cute. And tempting.
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Woo hoo 40 chicks is crazy. But sounds like everything is all working out well. And lockdown on the quail. So many baby chicks running around lol. Pretty sure @ronott1 in the northern California thread posted a great link on shrink wrapped chicks but i cant seem to find it in the thread. Will you be planning on letting nature take its course with the new Quasimodo and give it a fighting chance like the last one? I'm sure your brooder is starting to look like any of our feedstore brooders at this point. So full of baby chicks. Always so cute. And tempting.

I think you mean the one on this page:
well just got back from the wood store...and just had to stop at tsc...that was funny i knew more about the birds and even sold some for the people there...and also got some business while i was looks like thats it for the hatch..dont see any peeping or anything..going to check right now to see if i hear any chirping going on...if not then the batch is done....had to assist and clean the last two and one seems to have stuff still on well see if it falls off...but i dont think that one will make went thru a rough hatch and got stuck in the shell and everything hope mother nature is nice to it....
just moved over two more this was sticky...not sure what that would be from....also should be close to 40 now...and two didnt make it out of the shell...they couldnt break it and pop out...but there is still eggs left and when i moved the chicks i tapped on the eggs and could hear chirping sounds out of a couple.....oh no...another quazi....well see...have a wonderful day...just got word that no cemani/honas for atleast two more they dont want another incident like this to i shall keep you posted on whats happening...quail are going into lockdown on saturaday...brooder is already made...and should be going to wood store here in a bit to get more wood..and then back to some work done on the hoop section of hardware cloth up...just not sure how to secure it...around the metal parts...any iders....the hog rings they sell by me are to big for that...hummmm

Industrial strength zip tie?
zip ties are a choice...but during freezing times they tend to snap...even tho they are rated for like minus 40
Oh that's good to know. I was going to build myself a hoop house for the girls here in NY. We have a Johnny's Seeds pipe bender for making the arches from chain link top rail. May have some more thinking to do.

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