Building Supply DEALS!!!!!!


6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
If you are looking for cheap scraps, go to Home Depot. I just scored there!!!!!! I got a 12x8 ft piece of remnant linolleum for $15 and some 2x4x5's for .50 each. They have remnants in almost all departments. Just ask for them. They had 12in x24in vinyl tiles for $2.50 a box. I didn't buy those though. Also, I went to a different location and got some 1x2x6 for .48 each. Just FYI! No sense in spending a ton. I hope this helps some of y'all out.
Melissa in Tx.
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Good tip!

Also, if you have any local (not big box store) lumber yards, they often have contractor returns that you can pick up cheap, and they are usually willing to negotiate. I've also gotten cull boards at Lowes, as there's always piles that have been picked through, and eventually they have to do something with the rejects.

In the quest for deals, don't be afraid to ask, even at the big box retailers. A few years back we wanted to make some raised beds, but the soil on our hilltop home is mostly rocks and red clay. While at one of the local Wally-Worlds, I noticed a number of broken bags of various soils sitting in the corner at the outside garden area. I found the manager and asked what they did with them. He said sometimes they were able to return them for credit, but usually it made more sense to just toss them in the dumpster. I offered him $.25 a bag, and drove off with half a truck load of top soil, composted cow manure, potting soil, and etc.Repeated this at several other retailers, and had all my beds filled in two weeks for much less than a dump truck load of black dirt would have cost, plus it was much easier to handle.
Another good place to look for cheaper building materials is a Habitat for Humanity ReStore. They sell new and used building materials at really great bargains, and plus you're supporting a good organization. A ReStore just opened up near me and I'm looking forward to getting as many chicken coop materials as I can there.
Oooh! I forgot about habitat for humanity because I live out in the country. The is one about 30 miles away. I must go there on Monday hahaha!!! Thanks for the great info y'all!
Today's find was 1/8in. Hardware cloth 4 ft x 100 ft. $45 at our hometown auction that is held every week. I tried for 2 rolls but only got
1 bought.
Dang! I wish I could find some even close to that cheap! Locally the cheapest I can find is $119 for a role of .5" hardware cloth that is 36" x 100'. Man you really scored big on this!!! Congrats!
Thanks! I wish that I had got the other roll too, but I am happy with the deal I got. Have you tried amazon. Com? I saw some on there cheaper than I could find it anywhere else.

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