human amoxicillin for ear infection in rooster? dose?


May 12, 2024
Hi everyone, my 3kg rooster has ear infection, I want to know if I can use amoxicillin made for humans and what is the dose?
In this site there are 3 options
  1. Amoxicillin/clavulanate - 125-250 mg/kg PO q8-12h or 500 mg/L drinking water (B Speer)
  2. Amoxicillin sodium - 50-250 mg/kg IM, IV q8-12h (B Speer).
  3. Amoxicillin trihydrate - 55-200 mg/kg PO, SC, IM, IV q4-12 h or 200-1500 mg/L drinking water (B Speer)."
But in the pills for humans I have it says: Amoxicilina base 500mg
Thank you!
are you aware that Amoxicillin (an aminopenicillin) is on the list of critically important antibiotics for humans?

Critically important antibiotics: criteria and approaches for measuring and reducing their use in food animal agriculture
I've never heard about that, I watched a couple of documentals before about antibiotic resistance but I've only remember the reasons were because people doesn't end their doses, throw medicaments in the toilet and take medicines like they were vitamins. Thanks for the link.
Thoroughly clean out the ear canal and use some antibiotic ear drops instead.

Here is how to do it:

Thank you! I've watch that video before, however mines are not so quiet, and the ear discharge is dark yellow, I've been cleaning weeks before with only water and sometimes with hydrogen peroxide and I thinked it was healed but now It's again and now I smell a bit odor. I will try the drops. Now I have to look up if the ingredients in the drops are ok for chickens.
I can restrain their body with the towel, what I'm struggling is with the head, he hide his head like in whack a mole game, I can't figure out yet what is the appropiate strengh I need to grab his neck without broke it. I will keep trying. Thank you!
I can restrain their body with the towel, what I'm struggling is with the head, he hide his head like in whack a mole game, I can't figure out yet what is the appropiate strengh I need to grab his neck without broke it. I will keep trying. Thank you!
Covering the eyes also should help
I've tried to do it in a dark room without success, I feel very dumb lol, because his ear is near its eye I can't put a sock like I did it one time looking for lice, oh wait I can cut a hole near its ear, I hope that works. Thank you!

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