Bulge below ear (firm)


5 Years
Jan 8, 2019
Marion, TX
My Coop
My Coop
Ear canal is clear and the bulge is firm. Vet said to wait for it to burst or lance it then give antibiotics. Gave her Tylan 200 for a week with no difference. Today she seems more docile than normal. Anyone familiar with this in their flock?


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Opened her mouth this morning and don't see anything that looks out of the normal. Pressed on the bulge and seems pretty firm. Must admit I am hesitant to lance it. Not sure how deep do I cut or do I just slice the skin open and then see if I can mash it like a zit?

I do have one more girl who has a foaming eye (no respitory issues observed) that I am am getting another Excede injection for.
Have you checked the inside of the ear canal with a QTip for any gunk or ear mites? Trauma from pecking or scratching, a respiratory disease, or even a cyst could be possibilities.
Picked up the injections today and when I lanced that bulge. The blood just poured out. I swear I didn't go deep. You would think she was in the killing cone.

I tried blood clotting powder with no luck. Ended up putting 4 stitches to close it up and applied more blood clotting powder. Bulge is still there and I am not sure she is gonna make it through the night.

I am so depressed atm, I didn't realize owning a large flock meant becoming a vet. But no way I can run to the vet for every bird issue.

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