Bullying Head Hen.


6 Years
Apr 2, 2018
Perth, Western Australia
Hi all,
My last post was regarding my "top of the heap" hen bullying my young hens (3-5 weeks on introduction to the flock).
That was around 8 - 9 weeks ago and her behaviour hasn't changed, in fact it's worse sometimes. She continues to chase and corner them with an occasional peck in the hen house. Also, if they are eating their starter crumble she chases them away even when she is eating her own food in the yard and the babies are in the house.
It's odd though that while resting, she allows them to sit with her and doesn't take any notice at all. It is safer for them in the garden as they can run away if she tries to attack them. When will this end as I'm thoroughly fed up trying to protect them enough to be able to eat their own food without constantly shooing away the other chicken.
Hi all,
My last post was regarding my "top of the heap" hen bullying my young hens (3-5 weeks on introduction to the flock).
That was around 8 - 9 weeks ago and her behaviour hasn't changed, in fact it's worse sometimes. She continues to chase and corner them with an occasional peck in the hen house. Also, if they are eating their starter crumble she chases them away even when she is eating her own food in the yard and the babies are in the house.
It's odd though that while resting, she allows them to sit with her and doesn't take any notice at all. It is safer for them in the garden as they can run away if she tries to attack them. When will this end as I'm thoroughly fed up trying to protect them enough to be able to eat their own food without constantly shooing away the other chicken.
You could try removing her from the flock for one or two weeks and then re-introducing her, see if that helps.

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