Bullying hens


5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
Is it possible that my bullying hens stop some of the other hens to lay eggs? My hens are supposed to be young yet only 3 out of 8 are laying eggs.
I'm not sure what kind of info you would need. I bought 8 hens 6 weeks ago. I was told they were just one years old and they should be laying eggs almost every day. I was expecting at least 4 eggs per day.
My hens are not free range but have a 6x12 coop with a 9x12 run. They have 3 nesting boxes with 2 roosting bars.
There is 3 hens hanging together and they are the only ones laying eggs. If I bring them treats they will push the other ones away. They have laying pallets (food) available to them all day long so they should not be starving.
I'm just wondering if these 3 hens are keeping the other ones out of the nesting box or even making sure they do not lay in order to keep the control?
I was told that it may take time for them to get used to the new place but the 3 layers have been laying on a regular basis within the first week.
They do not seem to be molting, at least not that I can see.

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