Bullying. Needs. To. Stop.

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As I remember high school most of the girls were envious of the girl with the perfect body long before they got teased.

Now they just get a boob job, tummy tuck face lift... the answer to teasing for some.

Of course when women (and men) get older most do not care about looks... or so it appears.
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Moochie, buy yourself this book. It's meant to be read by adults, but based on your previous posts, I think you will be able to understand it. I hope it will give you some insight into the developmental stage you and your peers are in, and that "this too shall pass." It's one of the five (!) books I have for my Adolescent Development class.

Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher, PhD
It probably won't make you feel any better, but nearly everyone gets teased. The girls with curves get teased viciously about their curves, Over weight kids are hounded about their weight. Blonds get teased because they are blond, People with brown eyes have to listen to mean jokes about brown eyes. Minorities can really get teased cruelly. Boys get teased about homosexuality, whether they are gay or not. Anyone who isn't good at sports or who is good at learning is in for a bad time.

Boys don't have a monopoly on teasing. The girls can be really vicious. Bad manners and inconsideration are universal and getting worse and worse in our society.
That was kind of my point about my attempt at humor about the government passing bullying laws. You will never legislate morality or behavior it has to be stopped by the one who does it and them alone. We have laws that are dealing with phsyical abuse yet we abuse we have laws against bullying behavior and yet folks still get bullied. You will always have bullies and how each person decides to deal with it is as varied as what you can have for dinner. The damage is when someone tells you that bullying will not happen because we passed a law or some other form of false assurances that create an unrealistic image of a society where you will never be bullied and then whammo! you get bullied and do not know how to cope with it and unfortunately some take their own life out of despair. At least that is how I see it.

Want to see who does not get bullied? go to any school and see... it is the people that will not put up with it and do not show weakness.
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Then why bother having any laws? Every law continues to get broken. Perhaps we should all just surrender to anarchy and learn how to defend ourselves to the death. This way, all the "weaker" members will be killed off, leaving the few and tough. Oh, but wait, that defies the definition of a society.....


Making an undesired behavior unlawful doesn't eliminate it, but it does reduce it. Not everything is as simple as a light switch -- either "on" or "off."
I don't show weakness either. But the comments are getting annoying. I ignore people who say rude things about slender girls but jeez, shut up already. If they hate skinny people so much then they need to start a human breeding program that only breeds curvy women to heavy men so they never have to deal with skinny people.
My history teacher is trying to lose weight and one of the girls said "i would be so mad if i lost 8 pounds, i don't wanna look sick" she herself has the buxom curve body. I didn't realize that thin people look sick. Sure my thighs don't touch and my wrists are a bit knobby but I don't look like a starving child. I don't have a sick looking face with gaunt eyes and my ribs don't protrude unless I stretch a certain way. I guess it's just them.
My measurments are 29-25-39 Is that considered skinny? I mean really? What isn't considered skinny by the general public?
And yes bullying needs to stop because it is rude. Lol. Back in 8th grade my friend got bullied by a girl who used to be her bestest friend.. All because my friend was hanging out with punks, goths, and outcasts. My friend started wearing more black, was obsessing with vampires (real ones not Twilight crap), had alot of Jack Skellington apparel, and alot of Invader Zim stuff. Her ex-best friend started telling her "you need to quit hanging out with those freaks" and when she said that my friend got MAD. That girl called our group "freaks". She would give us dirty looks alot. We asked her to stop or else we'd go to the office, and the girl brought her older sister into our conversation. Her sister slapped my friend across the face, started yelling at her, then our protective sophmore friend stopped the girl's sister. Some people are really out of control. Ofcourse, the girl's sister got suspended for a couple days. Since then we've been left alone.
^^^Some people are just... Ew.. Last year this girl was dancing in P.E., jumping around, having a good time and then she fell to the floor and injured her head. There was music playing so I didn't realize she fell until I turned around. I quickly noticed some girls and guys laughing hysterically and pointing at her.. When she went to the office I heard the girls say "she should just stay in the hospital" "hahaha that was so funny" "im kind of glad that happened to her i don't like her anyways" Who the heck raises their children like this? The girl herself isn't a bad person. She's a very open-minded wiccan, kind, and has a loving boyfriend. And these jerks wanna make fun of her and talk about her.
I wish some people would wake up and realize the harm they do. Whether it's direct or in-direct. :/
We have designed our laws for punishment not prevention unfortunately. My son has 2 freinds that have gay parents and those boys get teased relentlessly at school. Yesterday one of the boys defended himself to one of the boys that would continually tease him. They have all sorts of rules at school against both sides of the issue at hand. The boy of whom my son befriends beat the crap out of this kid to the point my son told him to stop. One or two incidents like this will usually end the teasing. Now I know it is not PC or popular to resolve things this way but the law cannot help you in this moment of need. The teaser did strike the first blow.

The right to defend yourself stems from the Constitution and when diplomacy fails action should be swift. I would have a hard time as a parent disciplining this boy for what he did.

I agree we need laws as a deterrent but do not punish the victim and hold the kid accountable that cannot shut his mouth. Most bullying laws take effect at the point of phsyical contact, they are poorly written.

Then why bother having any laws? Every law continues to get broken. Perhaps we should all just surrender to anarchy and learn how to defend ourselves to the death. This way, all the "weaker" members will be killed off, leaving the few and tough. Oh, but wait, that defies the definition of a society.....


Making an undesired behavior unlawful doesn't eliminate it, but it does reduce it. Not everything is as simple as a light switch -- either "on" or "off."
I can think of at least a dozen women who would love that figure.

I don't show weakness either. But the comments are getting annoying. I ignore people who say rude things about slender girls but jeez, shut up already. If they hate skinny people so much then they need to start a human breeding program that only breeds curvy women to heavy men so they never have to deal with skinny people.
My history teacher is trying to lose weight and one of the girls said "i would be so mad if i lost 8 pounds, i don't wanna look sick" she herself has the buxom curve body. I didn't realize that thin people look sick. Sure my thighs don't touch and my wrists are a bit knobby but I don't look like a starving child. I don't have a sick looking face with gaunt eyes and my ribs don't protrude unless I stretch a certain way. I guess it's just them.
My measurments are 29-25-39 Is that considered skinny? I mean really? What isn't considered skinny by the general public?
And yes bullying needs to stop because it is rude. Lol. Back in 8th grade my friend got bullied by a girl who used to be her bestest friend.. All because my friend was hanging out with punks, goths, and outcasts. My friend started wearing more black, was obsessing with vampires (real ones not Twilight crap), had alot of Jack Skellington apparel, and alot of Invader Zim stuff. Her ex-best friend started telling her "you need to quit hanging out with those freaks" and when she said that my friend got MAD. That girl called our group "freaks". She would give us dirty looks alot. We asked her to stop or else we'd go to the office, and the girl brought her older sister into our conversation. Her sister slapped my friend across the face, started yelling at her, then our protective sophmore friend stopped the girl's sister. Some people are really out of control. Ofcourse, the girl's sister got suspended for a couple days. Since then we've been left alone.
^^^Some people are just... Ew.. Last year this girl was dancing in P.E., jumping around, having a good time and then she fell to the floor and injured her head. There was music playing so I didn't realize she fell until I turned around. I quickly noticed some girls and guys laughing hysterically and pointing at her.. When she went to the office I heard the girls say "she should just stay in the hospital" "hahaha that was so funny" "im kind of glad that happened to her i don't like her anyways" Who the heck raises their children like this? The girl herself isn't a bad person. She's a very open-minded wiccan, kind, and has a loving boyfriend. And these jerks wanna make fun of her and talk about her.
I wish some people would wake up and realize the harm they do. Whether it's direct or in-direct. :/
I myself, am quite small. I eat a lot in quanity, but little in variety (doesn't really matter). If you were to look at me in a bikini, you can just see my ribs. I'm 70 pounds and about 4'7". I'm not a starving child. I'm just naturally skinny. I have no breasts yet, and I'm fine with that. I really don't care. All of my other friends are starting to get them and/or already have them. But, it doesn't matter. My Mom is only 5'3"! And I don't exactly know her bra size, but she is small. :p My grandmother is always saying, "Your so skinny!" "You need to eat more!" "Have you tried new foods?" "How have you been eating lately?". It's sort of ridiculous....Yes, I'm a rod. I'm naturally skinny, and that is something I can't help. When I was in third grade, there was a girl who weighed 103 pounds and wore a size 7 in shoes and was already wearing a bra, but I never once critisized her. Others in my class did, but whatever.

Obviously I am younger than you, Moochie, but don;t let it get to you. I don't get bullioed for it, because thankfully, I am homeschooled.
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