

May 7, 2019
I have about 27 hens, however, OWL tends to be a loner. She runs out and eats with the others and mingles every now and then, but she usually stays by herself.
She was introduced to the flock along with 7 other chickens about a year ago, out of the 7, three were roosters that I had to give away due to their aggressiveness. One of the hens died and two are getting along with the flock, but poor OWL a Columbian Wyadotte is getting bullied by the WHOLE FLOCK.
What can I do????
Sounds like she's bottom hen. There's not much you can do. If you ever introduce more young ones she probably will move up in the pecking order, and someone else will be bottom bird.

Make sure you have plenty of roost space, feeding stations, and places she can escape to, or under, or behind if necessary. I sometimes can toss my bottom hen some treats on the sly, and she tends to follow me around the yard because of it.

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