bum leg? Slipped tendon? Anyone have a clue? Added PIC

Farm Chic

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
Davisburg, MI
we just received our chicks today and we got all 15 that we ordered plus 1

they all seem to have adjusted beautifully, eating and drinking well. However, I have one that doesn't seem to be able to stand up. It is also holding its wings outs slightly rather than letting them rest. It won't eat anything and drinking is really hard. In order for it to drink, we have to dip its beak in the water. For eating, it won't eat the dry feed, so we made a mash and it won't really eat much of that either.

Can anyone tell me what may be the cause? Are we delaying the inevitable? What else can we try? We really don't want to lose any of the chicks!

It is a silver laced wyandotte, suppose to be a hen.

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See if you can get the chick to drink sugar water or water with electrolytes in it.

I had a sick duckling once, and he wouldn't eat much. I fed him a mash of plain yogurt, spinach, and Cheerios. After a few days he pulled through.
Not spraddled, her legs are right under her. (I'm Farm Chic's male half)

Legs are each a different color. I'm thinking slipped tendon, maybe. I've spent some time searching but haven't seen a matching photo or description yet. if you have any good threads for us to read, please post a link.

I'll try to get a photo posted in a bit.

Right now I'm typing with only my right hand because in my left is the chick. She is sleeping comfortably on her back in my cupped palm. I hope she recovers
Forgot to mention:

Her wings stick out kinda funny, not sure if it is a deformity or if she is just uncomfortable or using them for balance.

Alright, after much searching I'm pretty sure our chick has a slipped tendon, or two. She doesn't use her toes much, feet kinda limp and curled inward. Also after much searching I've found the digital camera is not at my house (?).

I did not find a concensus on how to treat this, though. I heard mention of slpinting but I'm not sure this will help with our chick. She has been given sugared water and wet feed, but won't take it on her own. We'll pick up some polyvisol tomorrow.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have! We want to do everything we can for this chick!
Well, she made it through the night. I set her near the feeder and she pecked on her own, but won't drink with out her beak being dipped. She has been using her knees to get around.

Still interested in any help with diagnosis and treatment! Thanks!
can you feel the slipped tendon? i think you just put it back in the center and splint with either bandaids or someone suggested popsicle sticks and masking tape, maybe the painters kind as it is more gentle. the happy henhouse has a wonderful rickets recipe that may help as they think the slipped tendon is caused by a lack of certain vitamins and the poly infant vitamins are also a good idea.
I don't think it is good for them to sleep on their backs but i can't find that thread at the moment.

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