Bumble Foot - Should I Cut? Help!!


Apr 2, 2020
North East, Nigeria
My 1 year old layers have bumble foot, and some have the bumble foot all over their foot, (up to 3 spots on one foot).

The bumble foot is up to 3cm big, its chronic. but the chicks are walking with no sign of pain.

Some Youtube videos say i should cut, wash and cover the spot.

What should i do?
I have the same issue with my Golden Wyandotte. I noticed her limping and when I checked her legs I noticed one was swollen and she has a dark spot under it. I will try to upload some pictures
Can you post some pictures of the feet? What is the environment like that they are walking and roosting on?
The picture of their room and the leg of the most damaged chicken
my wyandotte had it and i would take cotton ball soak it with raw honey and place on the bumble and use vetwrap to secure i had to redo every 4 days. It took about a week and half but went away. She was fine however something got her much later. I didn't know it was bumblefoot she limped real bad and I pulled her away from the rest of the flock they were picking on her bad. I loved that girl her name was Ginger
Prevention of bumblefoot is good to do if you are seeing it. It is caused by tiny cuts in the foot where bacteria can enter and cause an abscess. Tiny rocks or sharp objects, and jumping from tall roosts can promote it. Here is a good article about soaking and removing bumblefoot infection:
my wyandotte had it and i would take cotton ball soak it with raw honey and place on the bumble and use vetwrap to secure i had to redo every 4 days. It took about a week and half but went away. She was fine however something got her much later. I didn't know it was bumblefoot she limped real bad and I pulled her away from the rest of the flock they were picking on her bad. I loved that girl her name was Ginger
Am sorry about your chicken

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