Bumble foot


12 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Hi, I'm new to this page and am desperate to find any answer to what is causing my Rhode Island Red so much discomfort that she wont hardly move. She just sits in the corner of the coop with her back feathers down like she doesn't feel good. I read about bumble foot and she did have the sores on her feet. So I feel that I have done everything right. I did scrape the scaps off after they softened up, One bleed and looks better but the other foot was a whole lot worse. She has a bursa or something inbetween her toes and it looks red. Nothing came out of this foot like pus. Nothing came out, it was like it was all dried up inside . Do I cut more off around till it bleeds? It looks yellow on the inside of this hardness. I just don't want to cripple her up so bad she cannot walk anymore. She eats and drinks water with some antibiotics in it. I soak her feet everymorning in epson salt. She purrs at me when I get done and bandage her little feet up. She is 3 yrs old. Her body feels huge to me. Could this be infection in her body or do you think she's just putting weight on?
Thanks, I did check out the pics and it look the same as I'm dealing with. I guess I didn't realize how much you have to cut around. Wish me luck.

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