Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

The pkg I thought was Pen-G was instead the Frontline flea stuff I got for my cat. It's Sunday, no mail delivery so maybe tomorrow I'll get the Pen-G. Meantime, Molly is in her coop. Thank goodness her foot has started to scab. She is standing on it, but I think prefers to sit. I'll change her bandage tomorrow.
RoseMarie, OK, I put the draw-out salve on the other foot, do I bandage it with gauze and vet tape? How long to soak in the Epsom Salts? Tks ur reply...
RoseMarie, OK, I put the draw-out salve on the other foot, do I bandage it with gauze and vet tape? How long to soak in the Epsom Salts? Tks ur reply...
I soaked my roos for every day for 10-15 minutes and then wrapped it back up. His started looking better in just 3-4 days. The vet had given me some stuff to put on it to. So that may have also helped. I'd blob that draw out salve on it and wrap it if it were mine. BUT I don't know just how bad this foot is. I'm no vet but I don't think it could hurt that's for sure just to try it and see if it will draw it out and then you might be able to pull it out with tweezers. ????
RoseMarie, OK, I put the draw-out salve on the other foot, do I bandage it with gauze and vet tape?  How long to soak in the Epsom Salts?  Tks ur reply...

why would you put draw out salve on his other foot? Does the other foot have bumblefoot also? I must have missed that post.
Hi Mrs BachBach...yes, Bumblefoot on the other foot as well. It's not as bad as her foot that we've been talking about, but yes, another lump growing on her other foot in the middle of her foot. I'm going to let the other foot heal before trying the draw-out salve on her other poor foot- but the one where I cut off that lump is healing. Has finally got a scab on it and I gave her the injection last night of Pen-G. Followed your instructions and only gave her .5 ml, just a tiny bit. I gave it to her in her thigh muscle after changing her bandage. I didn't want to chance poking into her crop. I'm changing the bandage every 2 days now... I read the hydrogen peroxide can burn the tissue if applied every day so I just rinse it really well with water apply the Petricyn and Neosporin and wrap it up again with gauze, vet tape and cover it all with electrical tape to keep out any moisture. I am so grateful for your help and that of everyone else who took the time to reply. I feel better, like my Molly bird is going to be OK. I give her a little yoghurt with bird vitamin drops (2), and the Rescue Remedy drops - she really seems to like it. Will keep you posted on her progress. I was just in a panic when this first happened and I've learned a whole lot - I'll never, ever attempt anything like this again. I was also wondering about her claws - they're really long. I'm wondering if maybe they should be trimmed a bit as I know with my parrots, the long claws can affect their gait and balance. Do you have any comments on trimming the claws? Thank you again.
Hi Mrs BachBach...yes, Bumblefoot on the other foot as well.  It's not as bad as her foot that we've been talking about, but yes, another lump growing on her other foot in the middle of her foot.  I'm going to let the other foot heal before trying the draw-out salve on her other poor foot- but the one where I cut off that lump is healing.  Has finally got a scab on it and I gave her the injection last night of Pen-G.  Followed your instructions and only gave her .5 ml, just a tiny bit.  I gave it to her in her thigh muscle after changing her bandage. I didn't want to chance poking into her crop.  I'm changing the bandage every 2 days now... I read the hydrogen peroxide can burn the tissue if applied every day so I just rinse it really well with water apply the Petricyn and Neosporin and wrap it up again with gauze, vet tape and cover it all with electrical tape to keep out any moisture.  I am so grateful for your help and that of everyone else who took the time to reply.  I feel better, like my Molly bird is going to be OK.  I give her a little yoghurt with bird vitamin drops (2), and the Rescue Remedy drops - she really seems to like it.  Will keep you posted on her progress.  I was just in a panic when this first happened and I've learned a whole lot - I'll never, ever attempt anything like this again.  I was also wondering about her claws - they're really long.  I'm wondering if maybe they should be trimmed a bit as I know with my parrots, the long claws can affect their gait and balance.  Do you have any comments on trimming the claws?  Thank you again.

Dog clippers work well with their nails, but just like dogs, you have to be careful not to cut the quick. It will bleed, alot. And I have noticed you don't have to cut far at all to start it bleeding, so I would be very careful and just cut a bit at a time. Those auto rotating nail files they make for dogs and cats are better and are what I use when wanting to trim them.
You can do the epsom salt soakings and use the draw out salve on her other foot. Just keep the other foot out of the water. The bird can walk quite well with bandages on both feet. Mine have. What the soakings will do, along with the poultice, is soften the black scab and pull the infection closer to the surface. So, when you are ready to work on that foot, it will be so much easier. You should be able to loosen the edges of the black scab much easier and pull or lift it off. I rarely have had to dig deep into a birds foot when treating this. If I don't find anything after a few probes in the foot, I leave it alone, medicate it and bandage it up. Or, use the poultice on it again for a few days to draw out any infection I can't find. So, you will probably help your hens other foot and prevent the spread of the infection further into the foot if you at least start on soakings and apply that poultice while waiting for the other foot to heal. Just slap the poultice over the foot pad, and put a guaze pad on it and wrap it up like the other foot. Change it every couple of days also.
Glad to hear her other foot is healing well.
Dog clippers work well with their nails, but just like dogs, you have to be careful not to cut the quick. It will bleed, alot. And I have noticed you don't have to cut far at all to start it bleeding, so I would be very careful and just cut a bit at a time. Those auto rotating nail files they make for dogs and cats are better and are what I use when wanting to trim them.
You can do the epsom salt soakings and use the draw out salve on her other foot. Just keep the other foot out of the water. The bird can walk quite well with bandages on both feet. Mine have. What the soakings will do, along with the poultice, is soften the black scab and pull the infection closer to the surface. So, when you are ready to work on that foot, it will be so much easier. You should be able to loosen the edges of the black scab much easier and pull or lift it off. I rarely have had to dig deep into a birds foot when treating this. If I don't find anything after a few probes in the foot, I leave it alone, medicate it and bandage it up. Or, use the poultice on it again for a few days to draw out any infection I can't find. So, you will probably help your hens other foot and prevent the spread of the infection further into the foot if you at least start on soakings and apply that poultice while waiting for the other foot to heal. Just slap the poultice over the foot pad, and put a guaze pad on it and wrap it up like the other foot. Change it every couple of days also.
Glad to hear her other foot is healing well.
I AGREE! MAKE sure you wear gloves because if it's staff you can get it yourself.
I think bumblefoot is what my Bama Mama may have. I just noticed this morn as she was last on the roost when I opened the door to let them out into run to eat. I was in tears. I take very very good care of my chicky girls, however I don't look at the feet much.

I am in their coop 3 to 4 times a day. I have a heat lamp for cold and clean bottom of coop every other day. I went out and checked to make sure everyone else is ok. They are. In looking how to take care of this I almost got sick. I don't know that I could do this. Does the chicken scream and fuss with towel over her? My hubby not going to be much help. I brought her in and soaked her foot a bit and I have her in a clean dry kennel with food and water where she can stay off her foot and also be warm. She is in my kitchen up on chairs so I can keep an eye on her. If you could tell me for sure this is what it is I can give a try or just take her to vet in the morning?
That is a very BIG bumble! So yet, soak it and maybe try the iodine/sugar pack of u try to avoid doing surgery.

Pack that on it, wrap it good and continue to give her foot a bath twice a day. See how it goes, if it will slowly shrink.

If not, you do have to get it out as there might be some small sliver of anything that got in it in the first place to infect it. Get it all out (again, twice daily foot soaks make that a lot easier!), put Neosporin on it, wrap and let it heal. She should be healed and back outside soon!

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