Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

Anxious to hear replies to acbear93. We tried the surgery without much luck. Some material came out, but we were too scared to dig any deeper. It all seems attached so we can't tell what may be part of her foot and what is the "bumble".

This problem doesn't seem like something that will just drain by opening it up. We added neosporin, wrapped her foot and changed the bandage every couple of days. If someone has had luck with it just draining, please let us know if we should be opening up the scab that forms. It just doesn't seem like that will work without soaking and more cutting/digging and antibiotic.

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In my experience, this is not something that will "come to a head" or drain on its own. It pretty much has to be dug out. Getting everything out, or as much as possible, the first time is important because then you could probably pack it with Neosporin and wrap it and let it heal. You want to avoid having to keep opening up the wound.

I'm not sure how to describe the "gunk" you need to dig out versus the flesh other than to say the flesh won't dig out, at least not easily, if at all. The gunk will. The gunk does not bleed when dug into, flesh does. However, it's often necessary to cut into the hole, across where the scab was, to get to the "bumble" or kernel if there is one. It is very deep, almost to the skin on the top of the foot but you will be going through the pad on the bottom.

I run a trickle of warm water over the foot while I'm digging and squeezing so that I can see what I'm doing. It does bleed especially if you have had to make an incision into the flesh to get the gunk out.

For those who see the swelling between the toes, it's easier to go through the top of skin, from the top of the foot and just lance into the swollen area and clean out.

There have been times where I could not find a kernel or bumble and just cleaned out what I could, packed with Neosporin, wrapped and let them heal. It seemed to take care of the swelling and they did heal. Maybe not all have the "kernel" in there - I really don't know. Maybe some are just abcessed infection from an injury to the pad or foot. I've found that to be the case of lots of swollen toes I've had to open up. They had some abcessed infection that needed to be cleaned out but no "kernel".
Hi Ruth,

Thanks for clarifying some more. For those of us that never thought we'd be doing "surgery" on a hen, it is a bit frightening. I felt like I was exposing her to more infection by cutting into her foot. I did pack it with Neosporin, and it looks much flatter. The dark scab is still visible on the bottom though. The worst thing is a few more hens seem to have this
We lowered our roosts, checked them for smoothness, and put deep shavings so they have a soft landing. Since they free range, they may still get cuts though.

Thanks for all your help!
Thank you for this thread. The hens we adopted had the beginnings of bumble foot. I soaked and removed the ugly callous scab thingies today. I felt completely prepared after reading this thread over and over again. LOL BTW, Tootsie is doing great. She didn't seem to mind much at all.
Ruth thank you so much for posting your pics. My st cochin roo has suffered with bumblefoot for quite a while. He never gets really bad but it's almost like he doesn't ever really get rid of it. Because of your post I got my courage up once again to tackle it. I soaked and used tweezers and even used cuticle scissors to trim it but I have never been able to get a really big plug out like you did. I cut and dig until it bleeds very red blood. I took some pics this afternoon so maybe you could see if I've done anything wrong.
I did have to trim his foot feathers but as you can see I couldn't get them really short because they are in the shaft after molting.



Willkat - it's always a hard call as to when to stop and when to cut and keep digging. I usually opt for the later in hopes of getting to the source.

From your pics it looks like he's got a good build up around the scab area of maybe tough calloused skin. I would cut a larger hole, all the way around - it give you more room to work and gets rid of the outer circle of dead skin. Then try digging around. You may even have to lance straight down into the hole - going deep - and dig around.

Did you get anything out or just get the scab off? Is the foot swollen and was he limping? If the pad is swollen or they are limping I know there's probably something deep in there that is hurting them when they walk.

And for all who write - worried about the bleeding - yes, they do bleed and often a lot. I know in my pictures you didn't see it but that's because in that case the plug and gunk was all near the surface and came out pretty easily and I didn't have to lance into the flesh and go on a digging expedition. It's a messy, messy job and nearly always takes me about an hour. The constant soaking in warm salt water seems to be the key. It seems to draw the abcessed gunk out. Keep soaking, squeezing and digging.
Willkat....from 2 of the pics I see a shadow on the pad going towards the toe...if I'm right that's where you'll find more infection and perhaps the core as well.
ok, i think this is the first thread this long i have read from front to back! I am in shock and i never even looked to see if any of mine have this! I feel horrible!!!!!!

Thanks for the thread, i wonder if wart remover would work..........LOL
That's a joke for us scaredy pants! Me and blood, well we aint friends,LOL

I know at one point in my life i will have to do this so atleast i will have info to go by!
Hey Ruth or anyone who may know.
Can the bumblefoot be on the leg? It just crossed my mind that it looks a bit like it.
Please check out my girl here
The bleeding has stopped but now she has a black scab about the size of a dime maybe a little bigger and it is swollen and firm around it. I hate to mess with it to much since it isn't bleeding anymore and she is walking around good and noone is picking on her.

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