Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

On another thread, I got several answers responding that this was indeed bumblefoot. I've yet to do any treatment, but I'm going to keep an eye on it at least until next week.
Just discovered that one of my Easter Eggers has Bumblefoot...... at least that's what I think it is. Thank you so much for the step by step instructions with pictures. I will do the "procedure" tomorrow and cross my fingers that it will heal.
Thankyou for linking this procedure to me. I finally found a place that sells a kind of vet wrap and some animal grade iodine spray. My chook didn't have any swelling, and not alot of gunk, but we cleaned it out as much as we could, then iodised the area and wrapped it up. Checked the other chooks feet too, and they also had teeny tiny black spots.. its looked like they were bigger but healed almost completely them self. So we took the black off off, sprayed and wrapped them also just to be sure
Thanks Ruth soooo much for this thread! And I have a quick follow question for someone.......Today one of my gals was limping about and having read this thread I was pretty sure it was bumblefoot, though the scab wasn't what I would describe as black, making me a "doubting thomas" as to it being bumblefoot,( sometimes I take things a little to literally,lol). I was going to take a pic to post on here and get some back up advice, just in case I had it wrong, but as my daughter was holding her for the close up on her swollen toe, I noticed the pad of her other foot was swollen and a had scab, so now thanks to this post I know what I need to do, my only concern being that both her feet will need to be opened up and if that would be okay or not? we'll be keeping her in a lg pet crate while she heals up so she won't be walking around much if that helps. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers!
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I have no experience with bumblefoot (knock wood) but I don't know if I would do both at the same time. If it were me, I would do the worst foot first, wait a few days then do the other. That is as long as she is still able to walk. Give the first one a few days to heal so she can put weight on it before doing the other. Again that is just a sugestion. I hope all works out.
I did this for the first time on my Rooster. His foot was pretty swollen. He was an awesome patient. I got the scab off with a bunch of gunk on it. Then pulled out another chunk. I squeezed and squeezed and soaked and soaked. I pulled out anything that I could squeeze out the bottom of the foot. I packed it and wrapped it. It was still pretty swollen. I didn't expect the swelling to go down immediately. How soon will I know if it was successful? I have 2 more hens to work on tomorrow. But it was about 40 minutes of working on him tonight. Thanks in advance for any answers

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