Bumblefoot with no scab???


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2017
St Malo Manitoba
Okay so please go easy on me, this is my first BF experience and it was really ugly.
So Lady Gaga (LG) has been limping but had no sore so I thought she twisted her foot. Yesterday I noticed almost overnight her foot had swelled up very large, textbook size and look of any googled image of bumblefoot. As I wasn't able to catch her until this morning while she was still a little sleepy, it got bigger and hotter overnight. So I researched and youtubed and so on, and decided I should drain it at the very least. There is/was no scab, but it was hot to the touch and so was she. I felt no kernel either.
So tonight I soaked it in Epsom salted water, prepared a surgical station with sterile plastic, scissors, tweezers, a blade, gauze, wrap and all the wipes and cream suggested and cut an "x". Id be lying if I didn't say I'm terrified I made it worse.
Basically after digging around, squeezing and poking the poor girl, while my husband held her in a towel, and ended up with a few chunks of messy fleshy white stuff and some black and white pus pockets coming out. Unfortunately my cuts were less than tidy and I just couldn't dig in her foot any longer the poor thing. I cleaned it, packed it with antifungal/antibiotic ointment and wrapper her like the videos show. I also gave her a water soluable antibiotic in her drinker for good measure. She is eating and drinking and moving around which thrills me, but I'm so afraid I destroyed her foot and didn't get it all anyway. Any advice? I'm a tough woman but this really got to me, hurting my sweet girl.
pictures would definitely help to see what it looks like post op. I hope you flushed out the wound with peroxide as well... her being hot all over and not just the foot tells me she is definitely fighting that nasty BF infection maybe throughout the body now. You've done a lot to help her out, keep up the Epsom salt and make sure you watch to see if the swelling goes down or way up.
Well this is day two after the surgery. It's really bad. Very swollen and hot, new pockets of swelling. I soaked again, pricked the two new pockets and drained beat as I could. She has lost the feathers on her belly and had a red ring-like mark on her chest. It looks better now but I'm worried this is all too late. I gotta say though, she's eating and drinking and pretty feisty. Took her outside on the deck for some fresh air and she was hopping around just fine. Anything else I can do? The wound is milky and bleeding but not bleeding through the bandages. Just when I open them up. No more thick pus came out today.

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