
ChickenLittle 3

Feb 26, 2017
I have a blue ameraucana hen that i recently bought from a man and I noticed after I got her home she has swollen feet and they both have black scabs I have no experience with this I read what I think it may be Bumblefoot but I'd like to get another's opinion and some treatment options and also was wondering if maybe this could be affecting her laying I've had her for a week and haven't got a single egg from her which i thought maybe she needed to settle in but any information would be great thanks
Sorry I accidentally posted this twice the other had a pic here is the pic her feet are dirty I'm going to catch her n try cleaning the I tried picking the scab earlier but it's really on there I cleaned them with alcohol pads and put antibiotic cream and wrap on them till I can get Epsom salt to soak them
Looks like bumblefoot scabs.

May need treatment, might just be scarred from previous treatment. What do the tops of the feet look like?

There are numerous online tutorials. Go with the ones where people wear gloves, use iodine and sterilized tools (razor blade or exacto-knife), etc.

Avoid the guys that are reincarnated Civil War surgeons who don't use gloves (ew... recipe for infecting yourself), use unsterile equipment (like pocket knives... after being dropped on the ground), and would never use antiseptics or bandages on a chicken.
My vet told me years ago to make sure the areas where the chickens were roaming were different materials this would pre ent bumblefoot by toughing the feet up.
So i have areas of soft and hard durt, rocky areas - large and pea size gravel - sandy areas, fluffy compost areas
And areS with shade and full sun areas. I have yet to have a case of bf in 17 + years
Personally, I would start with neosporin, NO PAIN RELIEF (the lidocaine used for pain relief will kill the chicken. It may not be deep, or have been treated before at some time. I've had several that looked similar, that cleared up with the neosporin. Of course, I've had one that I had to do minimal surgery, then apply antibiotic ointment.

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