Bunny Emergency: lost tooth

Hi, I am new but wanted to say Bless your poor bunny. Mabe blending up the veggies to a baby food texture would make it edible to the bunny. I have a question that I need to ask. Can Bunnys and chickens live in the same yard? These are 2 of the new Zealand White pink eyed rabbits. Two females mother and daughter who seem to be very peaceful. All of my chickens are mostly grown. We have 8 RIR girls and 15 Pearl white leghorns that are 4 months old.
R.I.P BunBuns
Well i took her to the vet just now, I asked her to give her isoflourine so we could have a proper look.
She did that and poor bunbuns had an absess in her mouth as well and her top teeth had created a hole in her gum.
She had a bone disease which made her teeth grow inwards. She would have been suffering, i feel so guilty but she had a great life running free with her friends.
Had I known that she was ill I would have taken her to vet sooner. She wasnt the type to let you pick her up, until now!

When she disappeared throughout the day I thought she may have been in her burrow nesting.
Her boyfriend has been spayed but she didnt know that!
The vet said that it would be near impossible to get her well.
She looked so peaceful so I asked her to euthanise then and there.
Im going out after my shower to give her a beautiful burial with lots of flowers., i still have my jimjams on under my tracksuit!!!
Im sorry for the sad news and sorry to bunbuns.
Thankyou for your thoughts and replies.
ps dear chickenlitle: yes they can cohabit happily, i will email you shortly, there have been many threads about this subject , im just a little preoccupied at present but ill point you in right direction when ive finished the deed!

I'm so sorry Bantymum...If there hadn't been the other problems, I would think that the tooth would've grown back.
You did the kindest thing for her.
Oh, pooh. I was hoping to log on to good news. Mouth abscesses in buns are terrible things; I think you made the right decision, no matter how hard it was. I'm sorry. :aww
Hi Chickenltle, here is the link to bunny thread, and there are more earlier ones too.
Do your chickens know your bunnies? have they met?
Its always good to introduce carefully as the chickens will be scared at first but will also peck them if they try to eat their dinner. They should relax though, its really cute to see them sharing a plate of scratch mix!!!
good luck. start a new thread and let us know how you go!!!

Thanks Deb, you are always here when I need you!!!
I still feel really horrible not knowing she was so ill.
I guess thats the downside of letting them free in your yard,
you dont get to handle them as often as a house bunny!
I lit a pillar candle at the base of her favourite tree, she used to sit under it at night. I feel she is still there.

She will be there.....when you need her. In your thoughts...in your heart..and in your memories. I just love the candle idea...you are such a great animal lover...they are all lucky to have you as a mum!

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