BunnynChicks Photography and Chat Thread


Duck Lover
7 Years
May 18, 2016
Here is my photography and chat thread. I thought I had better start one before I drive my friends and family crazy.
So I guess I should start by introducing the flock. Here they are:
Some of the layer flock. I can't tell them apart easily so they don't have names(and I am terrible at naming chickens).

Here are the chicks. There are three of them:

Skylar is the closest one then Minnie is the farthest one out.
Here is Firsty. She had been running around and was one sleepy lil chick.
Minnie was dust bathing and he got flipped over onto his back and he just lay there soaking up the sun occasionally kicking a foot. It was soo funny and just when I was starting to get worried he flipped over again and stood up.

I hope you enjoyed meeting the flock. I can't wait to meet all of you and your chickens too.
I just give em lots of treats and I don't think they mind too much.
I can't wait to see picks of your chickens.

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