Butchering your roosters!

All we have are layer types, I would like to have some J Giants or Australorps, big bird =big meat. :drool
I got Australorps for the first time this year. Massive birds, they have the frame to go with the meat too. If they didn't have single combs I might have chosen them for my main breed.

I only butchered layer cocks and skinned them all... I liked them better skinned.

They were all really easy to skin. At least to me it was.
Thanks for the input.
I used to think it was very cruel... It wasn't until I got an email from someone asking if I was okay with them buying some of my roosters for butcher that I started to think differently.

I said no to him and he replied with why not?

Really I didn't have a good reason, at all. I told him they needed to live a good life!

He then wrote me saying, if you give them a good life (which I had) till they are butchered then there is nothing wrong with eating them... After that email I everything made sense for me.

I have butchered 40 some odd roosters and all have been loved and cared for the same as the other.

I have know issue butchering as long as they live good and die good.

And I would much rather butcher them mystery of then sell/give them away to someone who might not take care of them properly or butcher humanly.

Just my two cents.
I used to think it was very cruel... It wasn't until I got an email from someone asking if I was okay with them buying some of my roosters for butcher that I started to think differently.

I said no to him and he replied with why not?

Really I didn't have a good reason, at all. I told him they needed to live a good life!

He then wrote me saying, if you give them a good life (which I had) till they are butchered then there is nothing wrong with eating them... After that email I everything made sense for me.

I have butchered 40 some odd roosters and all have been loved and cared for the same as the other.

I have know issue butchering as long as they live good and die good.

And I would much rather butcher them mystery of then sell/give them away to someone who might not take care of them properly or butcher humanly.

Just my two cents.
Quite well said. I had a nearly identical experience.
I'm looking for pretty dual purpose. Basically I want a chicken that I can kill at around 14 weeks that has a bigger breast but I want to keep docile and be good winter birds. It's just a hobby project. I'm going to start with Brahma, Delaware, White Rock, Black Lace Win and black cornish. Brahma rooster over all these then plan to get second pin to mix the next batch. Want to keep the fluffy feet too lol
I'm looking for pretty dual purpose. Basically I want a chicken that I can kill at around 14 weeks that has a bigger breast but I want to keep docile and be good winter birds. It's just a hobby project. I'm going to start with Brahma, Delaware, White Rock, Black Lace Win and black cornish. Brahma rooster over all these then plan to get second pin to mix the next batch. Want to keep the fluffy feet too lol
Thought of adding Chanteclers to the mix? They're winter hardy as well as having good deep breasts for meat production. Good luck.

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