Butchured on of my SS roo's and found...

I think you're wise to assume they all have at least some. 5% Sevin garden dust is the preferred treatment. Permethrin/pyrethrin spray or dust also works ("poultry dust" at the feed store, Adam's flea and tick spray at WalMart, generic version at TSC are what I can get around here.) DE does NOT work -- cuts down on numbers, maybe, but will not address an infestation. And if I were you I would treat as if I knew I had an infestation. They can get really heavy if not addressed. You need to treat the coop, too. Ivermectin (cattle wormer) will also work but does not treat the coop, of course, or kill them before they bite.

I really like the bottle of generic permethrin/pyrethrin spray I got at TSC. Easy to get it where it needs to be on the chickens, spray the nests now and then, spray the undersides of the roosts. I sprinkle Sevin in the litter. I've actually never seen a bug on a chicken, was just looking at one this AM, but I can't believe there aren't some there.

There's more on lice/mites in the Predators and Pests section (not that you posted the wrong place, you didn't!)


Thank you all for your feedback. I appreciate it.

We are going to maybe butcher 2 more roosters today. We have 8 right now. I am trying to get rid of the 'mean ones' and keep the ones with the good personalaties. We have 10 hens right now. I know we need more if we are going to keep more than 2 roosters, right? Right now I have to keep the girls in the enclosed run so they can have some peace from all the boys. Sorry i'm rambaling(sp) on....

Thanks again,
After butchering go ahead and bag them, but let them sit in the fridge for 48 hrs, then freeze or use. You will tell a definite
difference in tenderness.

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