Button Quail Behaviour Questions

My male is a darling and a gentleman and when I see him trying to mate with my female she’ll try to run away. I think it’s just an instinct with the female. I also see that you’re right with her mutation! That’s a beautiful quail! I think you’re doing everything right and I think they’re a good pair but maybe the male goes overboard which can be bad and hopefully it won’t get to the stage where you have to separate them because if they’re bonded than they’ll be sad and always crowing and looking for each other. Hope all goes well! 😊
Thanks for your thoughts! I'm glad to know she's female, they've actually started finally mating today rather than just chasing, and they're even building a little nest together :love The bald spot definitely just seems to be some overenthusiastic preening, but thankfully she's started backing off now when he tries to get that one spot.

In other news, the hen in my first pair to bond laid her first egg yesterday! :wee
I've added up to date pictures of one of the pairs here. It's heartbreaking seeing their little faces up for re-homing 😞 But I'm determined to find them somewhere they'll be happy.

The poop eating unfortunately continues, their own and each other's. I wonder if I should try nutri-drops in their water maybe one day a week?

Biscuit's bald spot on the back of her head is looking bigger, though no blood at all. It doesn't seem to be from breeding as Humbug grabs the feathers further down her neck. Is there anything I can give to help her feathers grow back quickly? Or will that not happen until they next molt?

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