Button Quail edible?

Mr Oviraptor

Dec 9, 2021
I recently posted a thing about what to do with extra males, Nobody in my area wants Button Quail, Soo really my only option would be bachelor pad or eating, If people eat Button Quail, I know they are small but it would be about like eating Sparrow or Starling, Has anyone here ever ate them? And are they easy to clean?
Nope they are not edible and never will be.
These birds are edible in that people can and sometimes have eaten them. They're probably a lot of work to get a mouthful out of, sure, but when has that stopped humans from trying?

I understand if you don't like the idea of eating them because you consider them strictly pets, but remember that one culture's pet is another culture's dinner.
No button quail are not edible at all. I mean why would you even think about eating something that weighs only a couple ounces? Obviously button quail are pets and not even coturnix are big enough to be meat birds! T_T
Coturnix are just fine for meat birds. And edible isn't strictly 'this is worth the effort of processing',, it just means it won't kill or make you sick to eat
I've heard of people eating them, so they are edible. I've seen skewers of sparrow for sale, so if they're edible, buttons are too. I imagine you'd eat them bones and all like ormolu.
I've ate Sparrow before, Thats why I mentioned it lol, But I might try eating them extra males, Might be able to make Quail Poppers!, Jalapeno and cream cheese stuffing

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