Button Quail with green poo, looking depressed?


Dec 19, 2015

I have noticed green faeces in my button quail's cage for just over a week now, but thought nothing really of it because the both seemed fine. However I have just noticed the female isn't scoffing the food like she usually does and is all fluffed in the corner. She hasn't layed an egg today or yesterday so I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but the male seems fine. Help please! Is there anything we can give her? She is kept indoors and we hatched her ourselves if this helps?

I have noticed green faeces in my button quail's cage for just over a week now, but thought nothing really of it because the both seemed fine. However I have just noticed the female isn't scoffing the food like she usually does and is all fluffed in the corner. She hasn't layed an egg today or yesterday so I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but the male seems fine. Help please! Is there anything we can give her? She is kept indoors and we hatched her ourselves if this helps?

@TheEmmaStar123, welcome to BYC! Can you take her to a vet?

I just went to the vet yesterday actually, and the vet acted like green poo is normal.

It sounds like it could be egg binding. It's very serius so you would want to act fast. Try feeling around her abdomen for an egg that may be stuck there. If it is, there is a couple different ways to try an treat it. Let me know if you feel anything! The description you said sounds exactly like my barred rock when she was egg bound.
I just went to the vet yesterday actually, and the vet acted like green poo is normal.

It sounds like it could be egg binding. It's very serius so you would want to act fast. Try feeling around her abdomen for an egg that may be stuck there. If it is, there is a couple different ways to try an treat it. Let me know if you feel anything! The description you said sounds exactly like my barred rock when she was egg bound.

Green poop is never normal, especially when they are depresses.


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