
5 Years
May 4, 2014
Washington State
BIN: 6 + 100% English Mottled / Spangled Orpington hatching eggs. These come from some of the best lines in the country: Marc Sacre / Autumn Farm. Fertility has been 100% with 100% hatch rates. I am NPIP certified and AI-tested and clean. $20 for 6 + eggs. Shipping will cost $15.

Disclaimer: 3 weeks ago I removed one of my blue Orpington cockerels from the pen. He was sharing the duties with my Mottled cockerel for a project I was working on. 3 weeks is typically a suitable amount of time to ensure any 'material' left from the blue cockerel is gone but there is always a small chance he has some hanging on, lol. There is a very small chance you can hatch blue or black-split mottled chicks if this is the case. These split chicks often sell for a high price also.

I typically sell these chicks on RBA ( but I'm done hatching for a while and wanted to offer everyone a chance at hatching these magnificent birds.

Please check out my website: for more information.

Please reply or PM me if you have any questions!
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This week's order has been claimed.

I can fulfill another order for the week of December 15th, with a mailing date that Monday (15th) or Wednesday (17th). Please reply "sold for 12/15" and send me a PM.
So none in time for the HAL? Mailed by tomorrow or the next? They are beautiful!!

I'm so sorry but this week and next week's orders have been claimed! If you're still interested, in the last week of December I can send a shipment out. It would go out the 31st. Let me know!! :)
The week of the 15th has been claimed by PM.

If anyone is interested please send me a message. I still have the week of the 29th available to ship. :)

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