Buy it Now - Sapphire Hatching Eggs 12+

Do you have any recent pictures of the offspring?

I don't have any SBEL right now.... I can't seem to keep them in my flock everyone wants them. I have an order for 20 chicks next month. I don't have a laying flock so not big deal....... ALL the chicks will be white with some black leaking since WL are Dominate white. BTW they hatch as well as the WL you got from me.
Im worried my "pullet" is looking a little suspicious. most of the other roos were very obvious at 2-3 weeks but now the only chick I kept is pinking up in the comb, legs looking thick, stubby tail and not a lot of head feathers. She is exactly 5 weeks. What do you think?

Week 6 update: tail is looking a bit more girly. Comb is still about the same shade of pink but has grown a bit. This one definitely doesnt act like a roo either. Im still keeping my fingers crossed . . .


Here's a cute picture of the babies...I had a lot of them hatch!
It was a great hatch..from you to me in Utah. Still thinking on
getting more. :)

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