Buying a pony in bad shape

Yep. I saw those feet and thought it would make your farrier pretty hot. But, I also thought he could turn it around for this guy. It takes what it takes. They both look totally worth the effort and hopefully will turn out to be some grateful horses.
Bravo to dad's old boss and for you guys paying the rent and feed and farrier and vet and, and, and. lol.
I was part of a 5 horse rescue awhile back. It was a gamble and a worry for us too. Most all had issues with feet, weight, worms etc. The 2 mares were pregnant (we aborted 1), 3 studs had hernia's and none had been handled much at all, it was a riot :lol: It was all due to neglect. All are fine and in great health now and all but one have found awesome forever homes. Beats the dinner table. I was hoping to adopt one or two myself (need a pack horse right?!!) but DH got sick and we backed off of getting more horses, hopefully just for the time being.
Nothing better than an expensive big dog. Absolutely beautiful creatures.
20190901_151710.jpg 20190901_153305 (1).jpg 13157.jpeg 11115.jpeg 11123.jpeg 11496.jpeg 2595.jpeg this is after Vet, farrier, good food and good care.
See... happy endings :love Your doing a great job.
Wow! They're magnificent, especially the one trying to levitate! Kudos to you for working some magic and giving them some much needed love!
Maybe that last one is holding out until your other half is feeling better and you can have one more :D
Also that background is gorgeous :eek:
I think so too!!! All of it! Well, take heart. Some day soon someone will be saying the same about your new kids.
What does Canelo mean? I wanted to add besides his nice face Canelo has a nice butt and straight back. All the things I look for in my horses lol.
Please do keep us updated on Miss Poppy and what the vet has to say for her. (We had a Spotted Saddle Horse mare who always kept a big belly but was solid bill of health- none of her babies had it, and it was odd for her breed.)

I believe I remember something about change in diet possibly causing bloating if they've been malnourished, but talk to your vet for certain and don't hold me to it as the answer!

Other than that, great job on saving another four-legged friend :thumbsup
Thank you! He perked up enough to trot yesterday when I let him out, but only for a couple of minutes because he realized there was food in his other pen

She is supposed to be just under a year old, she has a small hernia, crooked legs, some lovely nose/lip warts, a cough and runny nose, and a belly that is apparently not a worm belly, but the jury is still out on whether or not it's a baby belly or a hay belly and the vet is swamped and won't have time to look at her until Thursday. My dad swears it's a baby and a pregnancy is going to kill her, farrier and his wife say it could be a baby or hay but definitely get her preg checked and she doesn't look wormy, sister says it's a baby, and a guy that I met yesterday said he would swear she's too young to be pregnant but the lack of worms in her stool after a good dose of wormer is concerning.
All that aside, she's the sweetest baby I've ever met. She loves Canelo and yells at him over the fence constantly.
I would like opinions on her belly shape and how high of a risk it will be if she is pregnant and too far along to terminate it, but best case scenario it's just a hay belly.:fl
How's it going @ABS9590 ? Thinking of you all and would love an update.

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