
easton coop

9 Years
Feb 5, 2010
Winchester UK
Hi all. I have just completed an open run that's has netting around the perimeter. I let the girls out and they loved being on grass again. My concern is that i spotted 3 buzzards gliding over this morning. The crows were grouping together for an attack, but i was still concerned for my girls. I put them into the secure run that is wired all over. I do think i should be worried as the buzzards have taken pigeons before. What do we all think. I live in the uk.

I have a breeding pair of buzzards that hang around my property quite a bit. Most of my chickens are in runs but my brahmas are not - I am banking on the fact that they will be too big to be taken, but they still make me nervous. If your run is covered however then you should be fine. Some people suggest hanging cds on fishing wire around the tops of the runs to confuse the prey birds, might be worth a try.
Thank you highlander.

I have just spoken to one of the neighbours and they tell me I should be more concerned about the sparrow hawk!!! I may put netting over the top of the run!
In the US, a buzzard is a vulture, or carrion bird. The neck is naked and the head looks similar to a turkey. One variety is even called a Turkey Vulture or Turkey Buzzard. Really not an attractive bird, though turken lovers might disagree with me on that. It can also be used to refer to an older person who is "difficult". A hawk is a bird that hunts its prey. Looks more like a small eagle. From what I gather on Wikipedia, the word "buzzard" means "hawk" in Europe.
Yeah that is a Hawk and you should be worried .. Buzzards (the carrion eating ones) wont hurt your birds but that hawk will pick them off one by one '
Yep, that photo is of a hawk. A buzzard will eat things that are dead already and they dont look like that photo. As far as the hawk.. yes, they will get your chicks if the run isn't covered.

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