BYC Café

Good morning everyone. Hopefully we are all healthier today. Thing 2 had a rough 24 hours, but has slept through alot of it. Thing 1 still has her boil. She let me put a compress on her but claimed it hurt so I could only leave it there an hour. I will just have to watch it.
DH is going to go golfing today. This town holds a huge golf tournament every year, it is mostly a drunk fest. But DH has a couple of friends that come back for it and they all go have a good time. I do not begrudge him it a bit.
Thanks for the coffee!
I'm not sure drinking and driving is any better when done on a golf course; it still has hazards, and the consequences can get rough . . . .yeah, I know, bad puns; I have the handicap of a weird sense of humor, so please don't get tee'd off at me.

I hope my nonsense is the worst penalty anybody has to deal with in this tournament, hope they all have a great time. I hope Things 1 and 2 get feeling better soon - I know that'll make you feel better, too.

Margie, I hope your ride is . . . . well, safe, I would say "uneventful," but that can be boring, so let's try "fun" and "memorable."

Scott, sorry it was so windy for your day at the beach; it's gonna be even hotter and windier today. Nothin' like getting baked and sandblasted at the same time (I dunno - did anybody ever try an exfoliating tanning bed?)
I'm not sure drinking and driving is any better when done on a golf course; it still has hazards, and the consequences can get rough . . . .yeah, I know, bad puns; I have the handicap of a weird sense of humor, so please don't get tee'd off at me.:rolleyes:  

I hope my nonsense is the worst penalty anybody has to deal with in this tournament, hope they all have a great time.  I hope Things 1 and 2 get feeling better soon - I know that'll make you feel better, too.:hugs

Margie, I hope your ride is . . . . well, safe, I would say "uneventful," but that can be boring, so let's try "fun" and "memorable.":)

Scott, sorry it was so windy for your day at the beach; it's gonna be even hotter and windier today. Nothin' like getting baked and sandblasted at the same time (I dunno - did anybody ever try an exfoliating tanning bed?):idunno  

Lol those are some impressive puns.
Better to have a loose tooth fall out on it's own and maybe get tooth fairy money, then have to pay a dentist big bucks and cope with the aftermath
I remember being at the lake eating watermelon and my son was spitting out seeds ... oops.
We spent way more time than we should have spent  searching for that baby tooth.
But- there was tooth fairy money on the line!

Thing 1 lost her tooth this spring, she ran in front of a golf ball :/. We were panicked and worrying about the blood by the time we thought about her tooth it was well lost. I told her the tooth fairy could find her tooth even if it was not under her pillow. And sure enough the fairy left her a dollar and some fairy dust which went over even better.

Good Sunday Morning All :frow
It was a nice day at the beach, but a bit windy, yellow flag conditions.
OFW, what is/was Fairy Dust?
Have a nice day Everybody!

Talcum powder mixed with glitter. Everytime I give her some she sprinkles it on her head and jumps off the porch :D
Santa Claus left some, so did the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Birthdays, etc. She is always so disappointed not to be able to fly, I tell her it is because we do not have the fairy there for the magic.

Wow, some interesting stories lol

Better to have a loose tooth fall out on it's own and maybe get tooth fairy money, then have to pay a dentist big bucks and cope with the aftermath

Thats true
Talcum powder mixed with glitter. Everytime I give her some she sprinkles it on her head and jumps off the porch

Santa Claus left some, so did the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Birthdays, etc. She is always so disappointed not to be able to fly, I tell her it is because we do not have the fairy there for the magic.

Curb that desire to fly. To make a long story short, I tried to fly off the roof of the chicken coop, and all that happened is I scared the crap out of the chickens.
This is really embarrassing but when I was little I used to hold my arms out and spin around really really fast cause I knew helicopters did that and I thought maybe if I did it fast enough I could lift off...
never did but i did get some pretty good air flow sometimes lol

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