BYC Café

Sorry dd, I was cute at one time but now I'm old and ugly! :lau
not sure I am old and ugly or old and cute but made it to old still alive that counts more

I'm feeling like a million bucks today! First day with no pain in a long long time.

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO day to celebrate do not go run a marathon yet so glad you have a day good day in front of you hope many more to come
Sorry dd, I was cute at one time but now I'm old and ugly! :lau

Just stop looking in the mirror. Works for me.

I'm feeling like a million bucks today! First day with no pain in a long long time.

:yesss: Do not over do. :rant

not sure I am old and ugly or old and cute but made it to old still alive that counts more

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO day to celebrate do not go run a marathon yet so glad you have a day good day in front of you hope many more to come

Major LIKE on both statements.
Hi Sean, No, actually feeling worse. Now my neck hurts. The numbness in my thumb bothers me. Thank goodness for pain pills.
How are you feeling today?

Okay Cap, here is something that you should be aware of: This is a story about my friend's mom...

So my mom has been having shortness of breath, she was unsteady on her feet, nauseous, she had an episode the other night where she was violently kicking her hands and feet, and the original complaint of feeling pain on her upper back and neck area. We had dinner the other night with my brother and sister in law and my sister in law thought my mom looked pale.

Lets also mention my mom went to this same doctor less than a week ago and he checked her out and she was fine….he even did an EKG and blood work and they were both good. I was unable to go to this appointment since I was not in Florida at the time but I had concerns in the past that my mom was not giving him the entire story of how she was feeling. Yesterday, on the ride to the doctors office she tells me I think you should wait in the waiting room….and I am thinking no way. Then I tell her she needed to tell the doctor all of her symptoms to include the nighttime episode of kicking feet and hands. She told me no, she only wanted to talk about the pain in her neck. So when we got to the doctors office, in I went to the examining room….and I told him everything….

So yesterday took a 14 hour unexpected detour to the hospital with my mom! She ended up with a pacemaker and I think it was the best thing that could have happened…like she said, my doctor saved my life today! Her doctor did another EKG and immediately called for an ambulance…she was leaving his office at 725 am directly to the hospital. The doctor called his surgeon friend and told him what was going on….he told us that my mom had a heart block and that no blood flow was going to her brain…that the blood flow was blocked from her neck to her breast and he believed this was the reason she was not feeling well.

When my mom arrived at the hospital it was nice and early in the morning. We met with the surgeon and he hoped to fit her into his schedule. As the morning went on it was a shit show at the hospital. It was busy and they were treating patients on hospital beds in the hallway. We were unsure if my mom would still have surgery since there were so many people coming in to the ER. My mom went into surgery around 12….that took a long time since they had to prep her and do what they needed to do. The surgery lasted less than an hour. The entire process took quite a few hours since she was in recovery and then moved up to a room. She woke up from surgery and was feeling pretty good.

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