BYC Café

Lesson story time, DB and his BF were attacked by Miss Piggy. They were in her pen without me, which is a big no-no. His BF got out scot free while she gored his legs with her little tusks. It wasn’t major but it ripped his jeans and cut about 1/2 inch into his leg. I told him countless times she doesn’t like anybody but me because I took the time to work with here when I adopted her. She was abused by her previous owners. So Miss Piggy: 2
Teenage boys: 0
Lesson story time, DB and his BF were attacked by Miss Piggy. They were in her pen without me, which is a big no-no. His BF got out scot free while she gored his legs with her little tusks. It wasn’t major but it ripped his jeans and cut about 1/2 inch into his leg. I told him countless times she doesn’t like anybody but me because I took the time to work with here when I adopted her. She was abused by her previous owners. So Miss Piggy: 2
Teenage boys: 0

OMG! :eek: :lau but hopefully he is okay!!!
Yeah he’s fine :lau
They both were shook up and Miss Piggy enjoyed wandering the yard until I put her back up.

That’s good!! That wound sounds nasty though ha

Also just a random question and sorry if it’s at all offensive because I am sure she is a very nice, sweet pig with you and she’s very cute but do you think she would ever try to kill someone if given the chance or do you think she more just gets scared and gives warnings/attacks out of fear but doesn’t really mean any harm?
That’s good!! That wound sounds nasty though ha

Also just a random question and sorry if it’s at all offensive because I am sure she is a very nice, sweet pig with you and she’s very cute but do you think she would ever try to kill someone if given the chance or do you think she more just gets scared and gives warnings/attacks out of fear but doesn’t really mean any harm?

She gets scared. She backs away until she can’t anymore and she charges. She isn’t but 2 1/2ft tall but she weighs about 180lbs. She can do damage but I don’t think she would kill. After she charged him she just wandered. She ran up to me when I got out of my truck happy and tail wagging. She will let anyone pet her through the fence but doesn’t like others in her pen.

Seen this on Facebook and it’s caption is “IM ALIVE!”
Lesson story time, DB and his BF were attacked by Miss Piggy. They were in her pen without me, which is a big no-no. His BF got out scot free while she gored his legs with her little tusks. It wasn’t major but it ripped his jeans and cut about 1/2 inch into his leg. I told him countless times she doesn’t like anybody but me because I took the time to work with here when I adopted her. She was abused by her previous owners. So Miss Piggy: 2
Teenage boys: 0
So you'll be eating her now given you don't tolerate any aggression from animals towards humans.:p
She gets scared. She backs away until she can’t anymore and she charges. She isn’t but 2 1/2ft tall but she weighs about 180lbs. She can do damage but I don’t think she would kill. After she charged him she just wandered. She ran up to me when I got out of my truck happy and tail wagging. She will let anyone pet her through the fence but doesn’t like others in her pen.

Awww poor thing! Sounds like she had it rough before she came to you. :( so she just like charges then backs off? Maybe charges again if you don’t get it the first time? That’s good at least. Sounds like she doesn’t really want to hurt anyone but will if whatever it is doesn’t back off. Seems DB didn’t back off and she had to charge?

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