BYC Café

Hey, someone had me in the "golden" years on here....I prefer to say the "silver" years. :lau These days, with our longevity, when do the golden years really start?

Still waiting on the 'golden' so I'm guessing in our 80's. @room onthebroom trust me there have been times when she was trying to turn a toad into a prince, but she hung in there. You have a head start if you are working with a frog rather than a toad. :lau
100 degrees and 70% humidity... that's usually the summer in VA

You just defined my idea of pure misery.

It's been messy weather here. Temps 33-34°F with rain, rain/snow mix, then wet snow, & more snow.
That is what we have just started.

Hey, someone had me in the "golden" years on here....I prefer to say the "silver" years. :lau These days, with our longevity, when do the golden years really start?
I don't know but for Young, Middle and Old age by DW's definition is each is a third of your life. Thus if you are going live to 90, middle age starts at 30, old age at 60. Not an inspiring thought!

Glad I'm not old yet, 22yrs old, 5' 2", & still looks 14yrs old. Alot of people think I look 14.
Are you my older daughter? Well, I guess not since she will be 27 in March. But your description of yourself fit her at 22 (the height hasn't changed). Because of her migraines she didn't start Community College until she was 24. People figured she was a high school student taking college courses. She started as a 2nd semester freshman at Mt. Allison January last year at 25, fit in well with the Freshmen by appearance. She was happy to find out that there were a couple of other mid to late 20 students in her dorm.


That is what we have just started.

I don't know but for Young, Middle and Old age by DW's definition is each is a third of your life. Thus if you are going live to 90, middle age starts at 30, old age at 60. Not an inspiring thought!

Are you my older daughter? Well, I guess not since she will be 27 in March. But your description of yourself fit her at 22 (the height hasn't changed). Because of her migraines she didn't start Community College until she was 24. People figured she was a high school student taking college courses. She started as a 2nd semester freshman at Mt. Allison January last year at 25, fit in well with the Freshmen by appearance. She was happy to find out that there were a couple of other mid to late 20 students in her dorm.
So, your weather is cruddy too?

Seems like a major difference now is age, & I don't go to college. Interesting still.
Oh'll still have dogs!! Nice that she goes with you!

She knows more about dogs than half of the people running them. Don't ask her what she thinks about your run unless you want the truth. I have a young male that I call Tanner. His performance fluctuates between genius and lunatic - sometimes during the same session. I was talking about finding a home for him, and she says, "No way. He's beautiful, and you are being too quick." She may be right. I changed his training frequency, and his last performance was sheer genius.
She knows more about dogs than half of the people running them. Don't ask her what she thinks about your run unless you want the truth. I have a young male that I call Tanner. His performance fluctuates between genius and lunatic - sometimes during the same session. I was talking about finding a home for him, and she says, "No way. He's beautiful, and you are being too quick." She may be right. I changed his training frequency, and his last performance was sheer genius.
That's awesome.. She was wise and you were wise to listen. :)

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